I can't play with teamkiller who kill his and teamate's base

A teamkiller is whoever kill his and teammate’s base/army in the game. They just RUIN this game.

I know blizzard is not going to ban them. but can we add a black list function (something like chosing map by exclude the one you don’t like ), so that I won’t team match with them. Should be simple to achieve.

Anyone like this idea??

I just list the teamkiller I met here, my “black list”:

llllllllllllll (he may change to different number of “l” each time)
2024: Feb14x1 times, Feb19 x1 times


aedeagus (clan is )
2024: Feb15x1 times

zigman (clan is <8ZERO>)
2024: Feb17x1 times

2024: Feb21x 1 times

2024: March 16 x 1 times

DJChris (clan is )
2024: March 27 x 1 times
(to be added)

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There is no development with this game. your outta luck, have fun tho

If there is anything i can advise then i’d tell don’t play with random allies. It was said billion times - if you want decent team games, find some friend, team up with him and then play as a team. Playing with random allies is nothing more than just a frustration.

but can we ban him, he got abusive chat. i have reported, but hope the GM is still doing some work

the only thing that will happen if they do anything is silence him, other than that no, you will still have to play the game with him.

you can’t really silent him, he can type in the game.

if we expand the function of “block player” to include not playing with him, then it is perfect!