How would you handle this mutation?

Diffusion, Life Leach, and Concussive Attacks on OE vs. Walkers (Immortal-Colossi) comp.
I was Karax P3 with Kerrigan P2.

Problem was, trains heal way too much. I tried blasting Zealots with OS, but it only makes a dent in their overall health.

For Zealots it’s either blast them with topbar before they get near you, or go Mirages to lift them so they can’t do anything. Get range upgrade so you can fly outside of Diffusion range and kill them in air without having to use Orbital Strikes for that.

But dealing with trains will be a problem as you can’t just place Cannons along the tracks - that will make trains heal with each shot. You would need to place them much further (not enough room), or rely on Monoliths. And your Monolith count will be severely reduced anyway if you go for Mirages.

Using topbar alone to kill trains means you won’t have to get in range and trigger Life Leech, but i’m not sure how good P3 topbar is at killing late trains. If you combine topbar+Mirages+Monoliths then it might be doable.