How will lawsuit vs actiblizz impact SC2 future?

How is that possible that you feel this urge to be wrong in every single issue ever? Thank god you don’t have any relevant voice anywhere.

Those are workers risking their careers, using their own money in lawyers agains people with much more money and power than them for some completely out of touch dude like you to call them feminazi and throw mental health contidions at them without even look at their face.

You waste so much time on the internet and doesn’t understand the difference of twitter activism to Irl stuff, Irl sh_t goes down and nothing happens, and to reach the point they are risking their own careers attempting a lawsuit means something is going on for a long time now.

I stopped reading there. It’s a state agency bringing the lawsuit. Grow a brain.

Lmao. Man did I regret continuing to read this garbage. Go to school, Anesthetic.

Ok, I’m wrong about this small detail that doesn’t change anything, I’m not american idk how it works there, but this is totaly still valid:

Go to school, Anesthetic. Get off the internet and get a degree. I pay you the compliment of assuming you are in fact capable of doing so.

Ofc you won’t adress my point. I also don’t expect you to understand workplace dynamics. “go to school” is all you got.

Every time you call me Anesthetic is a cringy level of L for you, just letting you know.

Go to school, Anesthetic.

The lawsuit won’t change much. At best; you’re going to have HR initiatives and payouts to female employees to prove they’ve ‘changed’ and it won’t matter what so ever with StarCraft II since the game is already in legacy mode.

Personally though, I won’t be buying another Blizzard product ever again.

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As some said it is not very clear what part of it is true and what is not. We live in a century where manipulated info often takes the lead. There may be some truth it in, the terrible moderation matches some of the allegations of (we play console games, drink, get drunk and go back to moderate “doing my job” while drunk). And that goes through all departments or more than one

There is so much wrong with such a statement as this that it’s staggering. First the lawsuit hasn’t proven anything. They are just allegations that they will seek to prove in court. Second you don’t throw out the whole carton if a couple eggs are bad. Talk about punishing the good people who do work there. By that logic all the human race is bad because of Hitler. Third if you assume allegations in lawsuits are true then you are a crazed conspiracy theorists believing all sorts of nonsense. You can put just about anything into a lawsuit that you want to. I was part of a case where a guy testified in court that a higher power exists and that that is why he was so violent. Lmao. It’s a piece of paper sent to a court room and anyone can file a suit and anyone can put just about anything they want to into it. Whether or not the judge/jury agrees with it after going through the judicial process is a completely different matter.

Blizzard also has the Blitzchung incident, has abandoned some of their IPs, lost most of their decent staff and has frequently tried to tell players what they want instead of giving them what they want; only to develop a really bad attitude about it.

There’s been inside reports confirming the nature of these claims - and given there’s active litigation around the issue and no ‘this is completely false’ statements from Blizzard…not looking good.

I’ll stick with boycotting a bad corporation tyvm. The Blizzard I loved died around the same time they released WoW. That success went to their heads in a major way.

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There are many contradictions in that tiny post. “Blizzard is bad” is obviously a double-think for you (a belief that must be upheld no matter the contradictions it creates in your own reasoning).

Don’t care what you have to say. You’re a troll.

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You responded to a conversation about harassment with “I don’t like their games… so they are probably guilty.”

I never said that. Please don’t talk to me.

You did but you don’t want to admit it because it exposes the contradictions in your reasoning. You want to judge Blizzard as a whole when it’s not even been proven that they did anything wrong, and even if they did you’d still be passing blind judgement on everyone working there when there are undoubtedly many people who weren’t involved in the wrong-doing. I pointed this out and you rebutted with “I don’t like their games. All the good people have already left.” So yes you absolutely did say that you are passing judgement on all people at Blizzard because you don’t like their games. Why would you even bring up the fact that you don’t like their games when we’re talking about a lawsuit for workplace harassment? Those two things are so wildly disconnected.

I was at Blizzard for 28 years. During that time, I tried very hard to create an environment that was safe and welcoming for people of all genders and backgrounds. I knew that it was not perfect, but clearly we were far from that goal. The fact that so many women were mistreated and were not supported means we let them down. In addition, we did not succeed in making it feel safe for people to tell their truth

Morhaime’s tweet on the Blizzard crisis:

Notice the part about “their truth”. It’s not “the” truth. It’s “their” truth. So yes Blizzard seems to have an enormous problem with wokeism, where objective truth doesn’t exist and people can be repressed in their own minds and the actual facts don’t matter because it’s “their” truth.

Side note: Modern culture is taking a steep dive towards greek sophism, where they believed reality only exists in your head. Thankfully rationalism & realism won that battle long ago, giving birth to mathematics and science. But California is socially regressing to ideas that have been dead for thousands of years.

He continues:

Harassment and discrimination exist. They are prevalent in our industry. It is the responsibility of leadership to keep all employees feeling safe, supported, and treated equitably, regardless of gender and background

Note how he mentions equity and not equality. Equality is about treating everyone the same. Equity is about treating people differently based on the idea that if a desperate outcome occurs it’s a product of a predator/victim cycle and not other factors like harder work, better talent, luck, etc. So yes he seems to be very much a wokeist.

So my guess as to what happened here is that new management came in. They started treating people equally and rewarding hard work and talent (if you do 2x the work you get 2x the pay, etc). The people who were advantaged by the old system suddenly felt like they were being repressed, they found some instances of documented harassment and BAM a “repressive blizzard” narrative was formed.

^ I cant agree with this, the story is happening now when Morhaime is no in the company. And a lot of faults like hearthstone & Hong Kong, Diablo immortal, etc happen when Brack became the ceo. So I dont think he handles that very well, if anything the way company has become now is to be criticized, or is it a legacy - I do not even blame Brack, somewhere Activision did all that. Nowhere does it say about this mistreatment, which years it happened. And Blizz was prospering, also in the past there was less feminism, you don’t have that many ‘Main Female characters’ so how we are seeing the opposite, how is this better now? Is it because of the way they were treated?

(i hate to enter Soc justice warrior topics, so I will not go for a lot more)

Well he was the CEO and sounds like a wokester and his influence would have been felt from top to bottom across the whole company. That influence isn’t going to just go poof the moment he leaves. The wokesters tend to have a more lenient view on sexuality and that often manifests in problems like this. They think oh it’s not a big deal I am a liberal but the people they are trying to suck into their activities are extremely offended and feel harassed. So yes this feels very much like a woke corporation problem. A catholic CEO would have had their employees practically in a burka using the dress code and any kind of even remotely sexual stuff at work would be nuked from orbit. A person engaging in unwanted physical contact would have been absolutely obliterated with the CEO’s righteous indignation and he’d be giving company meetings where he invited speakers to talk about giving respect to women while quoting bible verses.

But then the employees would be complaining about “religious harassment at work” and “our work is too strict.” Lmao. You can’t win for losing.

I suspect the old CEO might feel vulnerable and/or culpable which is why he is on twitter denouncing what happened. It could be that if Blizzard loses this case, employees might start suing for stuff that happened when he was there. Or this case might include stuff from when he was CEO. Anything seems to be on the table at this point.