How to win against a reaper rush

i used to loose allot vs 3 rax reaper but now i win almost every single time
for me personally i encounter a reaper rush every few tvts and it happens allot

what i do is, at the start of the round place my first supply depot behind behind my gas so and a rax behind my other gas so that reapers cant fly past them(you will need 2 depots but add the second one later)

i do a regular 17 scout and when i see the double gas but no rax, i send it to a spot where it wont get found that is close to his base, and instantly add on a factory second gas, and two bunkers in front of each gas in such a way that my scv line is completely walled off(its ok if there are small gaps by the bunkers but your opponent might try to send the reapers behind the gasses to get too your workers) , and start marine production

even if you think all of what i just said is stupid, the next thing i do kills them almost every time

after my factory finished i add on a tech lab for a tank and instantly build a starport on his side of the map, once the liberator pops he wont be able to mine for possibly minutes and will probably end the game

Easy. Make barracks, build 4 marines and tank when factory finishes. Dedicated reaper aggression will kill marines, but they will buy time for tank to pop. Tank out = bye reapers. Just remember to repair.

Also, remake marines if you lose them.

Building placement, bunker, constant reaper OR marine production, and hellions until you are comfortable
You will insta lose if you go for a tech lab on factory vs a competent reaper player even vs 2 Rax

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Rallying marines into the mineral line helps. The reapers will shoot scv’s unless they target fire the marines. Green box micro with scv’s and marines together.

The reapers can hit and run until you can outflank and cut their retreat. Hellions are best for this.

Just start going concussive shell marauders blindly and never worry about it. Plus you can meme on people who do the pro builds with the hellions and such.