How to use Raven and army movement

i dont really know when to build a raven and how to use it
also how to i approach the enemy while attack/defending?

That depends GREATLY on what matchup you’re playing.

TvT - Do the opener everyone and their mother does with 3 ravens. USAGE: scramble enemy tanks and win game.

TvP - I guess you could do some kind of timing attack with a raven and some tanks. Raven scramble on the big boi units like colossus. Antiarmor for gateway lads.

TvZ - You open hellion raven and clear all the creep for free and maybe scramble some queens and do damage. Antiarmor for memetic value.

You press A and click on the enemy army. Ravens yolo in for scrambles and maybe drop turrets.

Play the game and watch streams. If you have more range than the enemy, use choke points / ramps.
Honestly, I can’t thoroughly answer this question within the limits of a forum.
You should get a text file or google document and gather information like get feedback whenever you loose important fights and dunno what to do better.
(always post the replay of course)

If doing a 1 Rax Reaper Safe Expand into a 2-1 then 2-1-1, then it goes into a 3-2-1 then a 4-2-2 into a 6-3-3, the raven can come out at 6 minutes with three tanks and about 12-16 marines out already, and a third CC being built (during the 2-1-1).

At this point you already have +1 attack, and Stim will be finished. You have a timing attack pre-built, or you defend yourself from any timed aggression already ready to convert the enemies attack into being behind economically if they do it from one base, or they to a delayed expansion.

You also somewhat are slightly delayed, but that is the beauty of mules.

Ravens with anti armor makes any battle go in the terran favor, make sure your tanks are sieged in the corner of ramps or on the sides of passage ways, or they are spaced out from each other, spread marines before engaging, and hold position, and pull back stim fire. Splash and DPS from marines will take advantage of raven anti armor. Also you already countered early DT and Banshee gameplay.

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