How to stick with one race, serious question

So, years ago i was Terran, long hiatus from SC2 (albeit still followed it competitively), then retook it on December, actually playing Broodwar campaign for the memories, and got rehooked by Starcraft. So i said, ok ill play Zerg now…

Got to about 2900 MMR, relatively fast, as i also played all games campaigns and some coop.

Now recently started playing Protoss, and the 2600-2700 wall i saw as Zerg, definitely easier on Protoss.

But my main issue is i like em all seriously. All have something that i really like.

For Terran its basically the one thing im most jealous about is the scanner. Like seriously … how do you get surprised as Terran at all ?, i feel the most jealous while playing Zerg, with Protoss i can just send an hallucinate phoenix, but with Zerg, not very feasible until Overseer

For Zerg, its gotta be creep and droning. Not having to do workers all game long basically, just in batches, is great. (specially jealous when playing Terran)

For Protoss is the Gateway Warp In (btw i see so many Protoss not even using this but on pushes. Whereas its a perfect tool having pylons all across the map for that)

So, how to chose one AND STICK to it ?

I Think once i get past 3.500 MMR i kind of need to make a choice


Ill add the things i dislike the most about each, so its easier.

Terran: Sorry but the one thing preventing me to go full Terran is the TvT matchup… and with T being the most popular MU, yeah i dont see myself maining it, even tho i like the race a lot. TvT is extremely horrible to play

Zerg: There is nothing in particular i really dislike but the fact that somehow when i get to late games, i get jealous of other races end game, i feel like im missing those powerful units, and Broodlord doesnt really cut it, and Ultras while powerful its not that big of a deal

Protoss: I kind of dislike the fact that it is so unforgiving, one bad colossus rally, one bad micro, one small hesitation, and its often gg.

Ok so this might just be a really stupid suggestion, but um have you thought about that good ol random selection they have…

I know there is Random. But i actually want to pic one as i feel that past 3500 or so i have too

do you realize how many random gms there are, god your so smart.

Do you have issues ? Of course there can be GMs random. But if you are so smart you would realize that 100% of the time instead of 33% would speed things up and playing Random is kind of a compromise.

yeah, im not sure you thought what you said through there bud.

At this moment i realize you are just a troll. Bored much?

no dude, not trolling, your whole 100%, 33% comment is really bad. Random can get to gm faster, thats already been proven. Why, because one it gives them multiple advantages. the first being there opponent wont know what they are unless they scout. 2 they learn the ins and outs of all races, where as a person who only plays one race wont learn as fast. randoms will know what counters what a hell of a lot better than anyone trying to learn a single race. 3. not being tied to one race lets them pull off far more strategies than some one playing a single race.

IF this was true, then every pro gamer would play Random. Im not against not knowing all races, but sticking to just one is the better choice at the end

For multiple tournaments, they actually aren’t allowed to do so.

In my opinion, it’s fairly obvious that you should play Zerg from the list of things - Zerg’s late-game raw power comes from its casters and mobility; and while using them is difficult it’s usually pretty rewarding and both the Viper and Infestor can pretty consistently invalidate other high-tier units when supported.

Additionally, while the Lurker is not the same kind of power, it is a hard unit to deal with at a lot of levels - especially for how hands-off it can be.

Your tools as Zerg are pretty specialized but they’re extremely good at those tasks. Adrenal Gland Zerglings are competitors for highest in-game DPS, so they ruin backline bases really well despite costing so little - a Nydus and twenty Zerglings isn’t even 600 minerals and I’ve seen it clear half a base multiple times by virtue of just having three combats but only paying any attention to the main army.

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Im leaning towards Zerg as well. I do consider them the easiest tho, dont know if its because im best at it or what…

I would like to get all at least to 3.500 MMR first tho, then stick to one. Kind of to really get the feel of every race’s weaknesses and strengths

Yeah somehow that used to be Terran … i really liked that aspect of Terran, it feels now its Zerg, and Terran the swarmy one …

BTW: From the list, what made it so “obvious” as you say that i should play Zerg ?

-You said you hate TvT. Terran’s the most popular race, so if you hate TvT the only real way to avoid it is to simply not play Terran.

-You said you hate Protoss because it’s very susceptible to losing due to just a moment of bad micro: This is true at all levels, especially due to how the Disruptor works; but also because Psionic Storm and Colossi are so important because of Protoss’ low unit count making it struggle against the typically massed low-health Light units.

-Your complaint with Zerg was its late-game, which is when its casters have the biggest chance to shine - therefore, as you gain skill, you will increasingly be able to incorporate the units that augment this point of failure into your games.

Terran’s units are the most generalist to compensate for how their production scheme is the worst for building a specialist - It’s extremely hard to produce certain units - Ghosts and Battlecruisers for example - and they have no mechanic for dealing with having made any kind of production error - Chrono Boost sort of does this and banked Larva allow you to create a whole army of counter-units in one go.

Terran’s backbone army being the Marine means that yes, it ends up with a pretty high unit count, whereas Zerg has more dynamic unit count based on strategy - but you never just totally cut out Zerglings so your swarm comes from that angle.