How to move from wings of liberty to legacy of the void

Hey my comrades! I have played a lot of sc2 (I was Diamond at my peak). Though, it was many years ago. I have only played wings of liberty and when heart of the swarm was released, I changed back to wings of liberty. But now, Blizzard has removed that option and I am forced to play legacy of the void. That happened a while ago but now I really want to start playing again. What are the biggest changes? How has the counters changed and how has the main game tactics changed? I have searched a bit but I don’t find any guides or anything at all about moving from wings of liberty to legacy of the void. I have tried to play but I keep coming in to the old mind-set which set me extremely low in mmr

Essentially the game is just a lot faster. The new units add spices of their own but mostly the biggest impact is the economy (no more 1minute downtime)
Now I’m a pure unskilled noob but here are my impressions (I did play wings from the start of release [not beta im not cool enough]. If you were protoss you like colossi. Those thing rekt stuff. This is no longer the case. Unless you’re doing coloxen drops don’t even bother. Go storm and charge and go hard. (disruptors are also pretty god damn great!) .
If you were zerg essentially just aknowledge vipers. Those things are crazy. Also ultras still suck. Be aware that nydus network is absolutely awesome. No longer just for allins or “gotcha!” zerg. Game goes later than 10min? Get 3 nydus canals.
If you were terran not much has changed. The things you need to know are that liberators are GOD UNITS in TvP and TvZ. Make em and enjoy FREEDOM. In TvT they essentially mean that air control is a HUGE thing. Tank lines aren’t so drawn in the sand as they used to be.
Other than that you have to know the forum meta: Whine about zerg and protoss being OP. (Huh! I guess that hasn’t changed much!)

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thank you for your reply! I played Zerg! Nydus huh? They were completely useless when I played because they were easily detectible because of their sound and charge up time and was very slow at pumping out units, but I believe you. Are there any good tutorials, sites, playlists or YouTube channels that you would recommend for me?

Pig has some tutorial videos, though many are rather old. Depending on your level, you may be best off watching his live coaching videos.

Winterstarcraft tries to keep up to date beginner guides, creating a new guide after every major patch.

His most recent guide is here:

BeastyQT is a retired pro-gamer who rarely plays serious games, but his game knowledge and mechanics are good to model off of.

All three of the above also have their own twitch livestreams if you just want to watch more of them.

Finally, SC2 journey is a channel that does nothing but compile the most worth watching pro games, very useful if you don’t want to have to spend the time watching through everything.

Yeah I’ll take a look! Thanks

Also have a look at In depth and The pylon show on Artosis’ channel!

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