How to fix the most broken unit in the game

Keep those meltdown post coming lol

Let me know when you want that rematch cause you been dodging for over 3 weeks already lol. I can play with more handicaps if that would help you be less scared

All bark and no bite doggie

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Let’s say you finally win against Benevolence. Then what? You’re gonna run a parade on the forums about how you beat the leader? You’ve accomplished nothing. You know exactly what strategy he’s going to play. You have a huge advantage, and you don’t even need to scout. You say you’re improving, but all you’re doing is developing a counter to a play style he is stuck on. And even with all that considered, you’re going to lose.


Isn’t that how you improve? It is a strategy game after all. Best player wins. I do however think if its arguing who’s better, they should do a best of 7. Best of 7 is how you judge who is the better player and that’s why gsl finals are always best of 7. Just my opinion.

It’s not so much improving as it is just Peekachi wanting to beat Benevolence. All Peekachi wants to do is prove some kind of point. The point has been made already. So, it’s not really about improving, and Peekachi is pretty slow at improving. He even asked me and a higher ranked friend for help.

Wut? The leader of TTT can’t beat our Leader. On the contrary, after Benevolatrix will pluck his feathers this representative of TTT (Terran Toxic Team) will be paraded with the big bag on his head in this forum for all TTT/TCF to see…

Firsr PikaChu needs to learn how to assibn units to a Control Group, how to use more than one CG, how to use Camera Locations and then let’s see.


It’s just a theoretical. Unfortunately, even if Benevolence were to fight Peekachi again and win, Peekachi will still keep complaining. If T loses, they complain. If they win, they complain.


While he continue to dodge superior player… “leader” of sc2 is scared…

Very very wrong i think

Id like to see that again.