I am around 4K MMR and I went against a frustrating Protoss player who opens up forge expand into a hidden 3rd. I tried bane busting him with little success and then he turtles up to skytoss. I am quitting this game but I need closure on how to beat this strategy. Here is a replay for reference. Ignore the bm.
You can see my replay at spawning tool. The number at the end of the url is 69724.
It’s important to hit timings.
→ vs. Voidray opening you need to hit a ling/bane/hydra timing to deny / destroy bases or the toss gets too rich.
There is also a double adept opening, chargelot allins (often with wp + 2 immortals or with a couple of voidrays) so a baneling nest at like 4min doesn’t hurt.
Just try to survive with lurkers & queens.
2-4 ultras, like 6-12 broodlords, 2x4 or 2x3 vipers + mass corruptors is pretty good)
Also get defensive upgrades asap once you see the air transition!
→ The “lowko maneuver” (parasitic bomb on the carriers, then hug them with your corruptors is pretty good; better with fungal of course).
→ See Lambo videos for explanations.
→ The most important part about lategame is that you should NEVER get too many squishy units (like infestors + ravagers), if the toss is going for a few archons + HTs + mass carriers.
→ A ton of spores also really help - zergs can turtle pretty well until the toss gets a few tempests with +damage vs. buildings and maybe a few disruptors.
→ Vision is really important: Search for the toss army and incoming attacks!