I’ve tried queens, hydra, corruptor, muta. Problem is they prevent expansions too easily… they arrive too quick and are too hard to catch them from bouncing from base to base. If you split your army into 3, then the voids rays can fight (since its their full army against third of yours). pushing them doesnt help either since lings get trashed by a good setup of battery, zealot and cannon. Other pushes just prompt voids to recall home and wreck your army and push again. Need an answer since I’m facing this every second game now.
Been having some trouble with this myself, and I’ve been getting some success with 2 things in particular.
1- having an adequate drone count before the voids get out if control. Voids are still expensive, and the protoss needs a reliable economy to sustain any significant air force of void rays, so getting your own economy up and at em is really good for recovering from void snipes.
2-sometimes the protoss decides to cut corners in order to get voids out and across the map sooner (cut workers, fewer fighting units, etc.). Queens are critical in this stage for spreading creep for vision since they will almost never have observers and trade week against voids plus transfuse on hatcheries/spores. Having these cut corners also makes them susceptible to back stabs and counter attacks, especially a well timed Hydra/ling/bane timing or muta ling bane timing. Hydras hit a bit sooner and are cheaper so I prefer them, but spire has a better transition into corruptors if it goes late game against skytoss.
In a nutshell, it’s a stargate opener, so queens, drones and expos hardcore with a decisive timing attack, kinda like if your fighting a Terran battle mech comp
Hello Rabbit,
You need to scout, if Protoss go mass Air, before he has 10 voids. If you send your first overload, then you see the wall of Protoss. Most protoss player do create a cannon in front of wall, IF they want go mass air.
You can move your overload in secret area to not get snipe, but at minute 3:00 you must scout again if you see air units production.
Now you need to just create nonstop only worker + queens on 3 base: ~40 worker on mineral line + 12 worker on gas.
Then complete stop worker production and start production of 8-12 hydras (spend all gas) and rest of minerals on zerglings and go for a timing push. At this time the protoss have only 2-4 void rays, and you have a very good chance to win.
Try to snipe voids one by one but dont forget to use your hatchery control group to create new worker and overloads during the fight.
Even if you dont break the toss in this first fight, but you reduce his army. Then create a new army with 12-16 hydras 1 minute later and attack again. During fight, use always the time to create more base and more worker.
After this Vipers, parasitic bomb hurts voids since they stack so much.
You are right for 2 parts: Queens and Hydras. However, you should avoid Mutas and Corruptors (the latter being a hard counter).
The key 4 things against VRs will be:
- Queens (early game)
- Spores (if you have spare minerals)
- Hydras (mid game)
- Vipers (late game)
- Use Parasitic Bomb if they don’t know how to micro. Otherwise, Abduct might be better.
The reason why they are so good is because of their mobility and ability to burst down armoured stuff (buildings in this case; which is also why Corruptors aren’t the best at dealing with that). However, that is all.
A possible workaround to give you some degree of mobility will be Nydus. You can then defend one side, then load back in to hit their base (forcing a recall). Another weakness of early game Air Toss is that they are weak against ling floods. If you can bane burst down the wall (or that gateway unit in the hole), they are pretty much in trouble.
What;s wrong with mass muta as a counter? Mutalisks aren’t armoured, and they are faster than void rays.
they don’t counter, dps is too low, the queens work amazing though. I kept my natural hatch constantly pumping out queens. at the 5:30 mark i had 4 voids in my base. The control group i had with 7 queens shredded them with mineral line spores. I built a huge roach ravager army after and wiped out his base. It’s hard for voids to dodge 8 biles. Easy win.
Mutas have too low dps to handle VRs. Plus, even if you mass a sufficient amount, the opponent is already on Stargate tech to switch over to Nix (which is a counter to Mutas). It (Mutas) is good as an emergency counter, but should not be relied on as a stable one.
ultimately mutas will fall off against the other skytoss units given they dont have dps and shield batteries w/ cannons make harass near impossible. they just are pretty expensive for a short term option
if its not MASS void rays and phoenix, mutas can wipe the sky and then be thrown away for some damage against his economy. THey can’t really be ignored and that can buy time, But onece he gets enough air these don’t work at all (or archons).
Play protoss. Like everyone else now. Zerg is dead if you are not Serral or Raynor
Drone up to 3 bases, get creep at fourth so he can’t deny it, all in with ling bane hydra.
Also you can do german taxi, which is normal 3 base opening (with speed), get lair with next 100 gas, then ovie speed while lair is morphing, while massing 6 queens. Also get a warren and 2 more gases. Then when lair finishes make 2 dropperlords to carry your queens + 10 roaches and flood lings. It’s really strong vs VR into quick third, serral recently beat showtime with it.
58:30 is around when he makes the attack.
The key there were the racagers eating shield batteries.