How to beat mass Battle Cruisers?

Plat player here i just played a game against a liberator turtle terran. My plan was to corner him in his base until my tempest comes out. As a last ditch attempt he blinks his BCs on my army and obliterates it, then proceeds to win the game.

I was on 6 base he was on 4. My army was 13 tempest 2/2/3, the rest maxed into zealot archon 3/3/3.

The terran had 15 BCs 3/3 and he blinked over my entire army at my expo with about 3 cannons and 5 batteries.

I did try to do a 2 prong with zealot dt drops but he defended it quite well.

Is there anyway to stop the mass BCs? Should i have made void rays or carriers instead?

Your problem lies in your earlier game mechanics or choices, not the strength of battlecruisers. Tempests are fine vs BCs.


No Vikings? just BCs?

did you kite with the Tempests? if it’s only BCs you should be able to kite and pick them up one by one

My problem is when there are Vikings on the mix

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No unfortunately, he blinked onto my entire army at my expansion with 5 batteries and 3 cannons so i thought for sure my tempest could take them, so they were pretty much on hold position as i remaxed into stalkers. Should i have stutter stepped them and focused down each bc?

I guess you should, notice that I’m not a high level player in any way, but that would be my call, or recall to your neraby nexus, you have 6 bases vs 4, you can afford to lose one

But also your tempest per BC ratio was low, I usually do the following math

it requires 12 shots of upgraded tempest to kill a BC, so you need 12 tempests to one shot, plus 50% the amount of BCs which will die to yamato, so 15/2=7,5

20 tempests would be ideal

I would say if they go mass BC, you can just go mass stalker because if you go high tier 3 units, they die instantly with yamato. You could try and recall away but recall is being nerfed so I think if they have too many BCs, I would put a lot of cannons in your bases, expand a lot, and get a lot of blink stalkers and some archons too.


No! Mass Photon Cannon!

“When in doubt, Cannon it out” - Our lord and savior, Tassadar
That is actually the quote that inspired Probius to embark upon his career.

Cannon the entire map so they cannot build anything or tactical jump anywhere. It is like creep but actually good looking!


Getting a mothership ready to recall could be your best bet if you scouted mass bcs. Don’t let your mothership and tempest fleet stay together but seperated by 16 range or more. If they jump into your tempests recall them out, if they jump into your mothership you may lose it unless you can recall it from a remote nexus, but they can’t jump now so your tempest fleet can kite them to death.


Guardian shield helps as well as armor/shield upgrades and warp in with rapid fire near a pylon with a gateway or nexus.

If you want more precise help, you should post a replay though.
–> drop . sc (need the spaces within links or the forum software will block it)

Good luck - gogo diamond :smiley:

Edit: Zealot/archon was the problem (zealots don’t shoot up and archons don’t have much range - especially if the BCs fly over a ton of buildings (nexus and cannons/shield batteries).
You have to compare the values of the units/buildings that are actually fighting.
(13 tempests with stalkers and like 1-3 sentries with guardian shield would’ve held I think.)