How quickly will the Glasstoss break this GSL Finals?

How quickly will humpty dumpty fall and break apart? 4-0? Another year goes by, no title for Protoss.

Considering Rogue and DRG just got stomped 3-0 it would be a case of Protoss not being able to have a 100% win ratio.

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Considering they are both scrubs compared to Dark.

This is a good stopping point. Let’s just shut off the SC2 servers so we don’t have to hear you guys whine anymore


Coming from the king whiner himself, Negative Nancy.

My guess is that the series wont be bad at all,better than the usual underwhelming GSL finals, I doubt the score will be 4-0 or 4-1. But what I’m sure will happen is that people will complain, it will not matter if p wins or loses.