How much is SC2 a comeback game?

So you remember when you used to see those fantastic epic comeback games in WoL and HOTS in tournaments? Especially TvZ was so hardcore, to look at the Polt’s comebacks for example.

Now when we look nowadays in tournaments, almost all games are on sided, and rarely you see comebacks in the game.

GSL is starting to become so boring (except ro8 maybe). You can notice the casters are sometimes already bored, even say, after 3 BO3, the last one they say: Well all the games were one sided, hopefully this one will be better.

  1. So your opinion how much is SC2 a comeback game at the moment?
  2. Is SC2 is becoming mostly to one sided scenario? (in tournaments)
  3. Is LOTV and SC2 becoming more and more figured out? So everything is more predictable.
  4. Is SC2 is becoming maybe less about balance and skill, but more about abusing certain Strats and Maps in particular Matchup? or even player? They say sometimes I prepared this specific strategy against this X Pro player, and it worked perfectly.
  5. Or there are other reasons, that you would like to share.

It’s more like a “throw away” game.

I’m not trolling. It seriously is so easy for you to lose a game you think you have in the bag.

But then if you watch replay you realize you were never really ahead in the first place…

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This isn’t “orcs in space 1”

Everything SC2 depends from the performence and first 5 nanoseconds of the game. And one big CTRL + A and thats it, the rest is just micro/macro cheeze/haras massacres.
(You won’t see anything like this in any other rts game)

If you didn’t build that scv in the first 5 sec after the loading screen there is no point in playing anymore becase you are gonna loose anyway, wanna build barrack? well you don’t have thouse precious 5 minerals so you will have to wait 10 seconds, but snice you had wait 10 seconds that means you will have to wait 2 more minutes becase building time is slow, snice you wait 2 more minutes you will have to wait one more for your first marine to com… Oh wait it dosen’t matter the enemy alredy has banshees GG

Compare any other rts game to SC2 and you will see that the diferent rts games are almost indentical to each other, require more tought and are heavily separated around classes wile SC2 requiers math & micro performence.

Units in sc2 are just walking numbers, if you have one marine that deals 6 dmg and has 40hp and one vikig that has 125hp and deals 30mg vs enemy that has roach whit 150 hp and deals 40 dmg + one hidra that has 80hp and deals 15dmg you are gonna loose because your army has 165hp and deals 36dmg whie his army has 230hp and deals 55 dmg, however if you max out your army you are still gonna loose… because 230hp and 55dmg is more than 171hp and 42dmg the only way you are gonna win is if your have more units so that upgrage can be equal to +1 unit.

And thats it there is no “turnbacks in maths” and that aint gonna change unles you can summon a defuff or a mine field or a artilery fire to wipe out the enemy units

While in Red Alert 3 or blitzkrieg for example if you have anti-tank marines and AA vehicle wich means 2 things:

1st this dosen’t mean that you are gonna 100% win agains anti-infarnity tanks and anti-ground fighterjets whit AA vehicles & anti-tank marines.
2nd you are gonna loose miserably if the enemy has anti-inarnity marines and anti-vehicle tanks (or if he summons artilery fire to wipe out your units)

The whole goal of RA3 “commander portocols” was to turn the game in 180* if any of the players was abount to loose the game

So especialy in sc2 “comebacks” are not possible in pvp unsles you have the abilities from the coop wich aint gonna happen.

  • i think for 1st april they add the ability to PvP whit coop comanders wich had nothing in common whit the normal sc2 games but was still fun
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