How many characters left?

I did the story missions quite some time ago and the only character I can think of which is still not in the co-op mode is Tosh?

The top 3 I see people bring up is Tosh, Selendis, and Valerian

but ive also seen people ask for Hanson, Warfield, Overmind, Ooros, Narud, Zurvan, Rohana, Izsha, DuGalle, Niadra, Zasz and maybe a few others I cant remember right now.


To answer original question Lots (especially Terran since people suggest ones like Kate Lockwell)… Zerg probably have the fewest

miscelaneous cerebrates/broodmothers/packleaders

I’d like Ji’nara since there are a bunch of unused Tal’darim units including most of their air. You’d need alternate voice lines for CoA though similar to how there are unique voicelines if you play Stetmann on MO or Vorazun on SoA.

I also wouldn’t mind Stone seeing as how we don’t actually have any commanders that can build nukes the way you have to on Ladder.

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Nah, Tosh is not even close to being next in line of wishlist. Only Zerg have problems with that, only Izsha and Niadra are left.
But we currently have a balance of 6 commanders of each race, and considering there is nothing on the horizon so far, I would say there is 69-80% chance that this is it.

I would take new maps over new commanders in a heartbeat anyway, especially if they’re converted from campaign missions.

I predict we will see a character as Gamescom in the next week.

Why not both? :slight_smile:

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Would be nice, but local hermit Yattien have not spoken :frowning:

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With the new Prestige system, it made me think of a some rather silly, yet fun ideas, to include a bunch of lesser characters in one fell swoop.

Imagine they went the way of Heroes of the Storm, and made the Siege Tank unit itself a Hero to base around, in which case, they could make a bunch of characters associated with Siege Tanks as a single commander, swapping between them through Prestiges.

Sergeant Hammer comes to mind as the default, but at the same time, Edmund Duke and Warfield (was briefly the Siege Tank operator in the HOTS beta) could instead sub in for different Prestiges, each with their own spin and abilities for their respective Siege Tank to change up their gameplay.

Both would be great! But if I had to choose… maps would win!

You can always add any of the Starcraft universe characters, dead or alive.

It’s the design that’s important. Although I’m not sure they’ll even add new commanders.

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Edmin Duke would be an awesome addition, just for nostalgia’s sake. But I frankly don’t see a great way to make him distinct, game-play wise, with Mengsk (elite terran units), Swann (seige tanks), and Raynor (terran bio) already existing.

Tosh is there…I need to replay the campaign first though, lol. I think Tosh is the only terran commander left…maybe Valerian?

I did a map version of this post, btw, What "new" maps are left? - #5 by Nitrousoxide-11538

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I want my damn mass ghost commander lol

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You made quite bad characteristics for all 3 commanders :smiley:

The niche of pure sky-terran is still there (h&h is close, but not quite there), also umojan tech commander would be nice with that slick white skins. Valerian fits both, hell he can even augment umojan stuff with moebius tech :smiley: He can also be made to have buildable ghosts and nukes, however op that might be.

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Siege Tank Hero Unit is the obvious choice. Duke had the most powerful Siege Tank of all time. He’d basically fire off mini-nukes with the sheer damage his shock cannon did.

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Obviously each of those commanders do a lot more than that. But that’s kind of my point - each of the directions I can think of for Duke are already pretty well represented by commanders that have a far larger theme that includes anything Duke would do

Elite Terran - Mengsk, Nova

Siege Tank focused army - Swann (not to mention 4 other commanders besides having tanks)

Terran Bio - Raynor

And I wholeheartedly agree that Duke should take the field as a hero tank unit. But one hero unit a commander does not make.

That’s basically Kerrigan in a nutshell. She is kinda just Versus zerg for her army, in a sense.

In another topic, we were discussing Vanilla Versus commanders that are basically entirely made of the versatility of Ladder units, and how to offset their inherent weaknesses with starting resources and cost reductions for units.

Honestly, giving them a hero unit each could be a way of helping offset that, much like how Kerrigan offsets her army with her combat power and resource generation.

Thus, in this case, for example, Duke is a Siege Tank Hero with a well-rounded Versus army capable of handling any and all kinds of situations, with cheap units and the ability to tech to any composition a mission might require with him at the front line.

For other factions, an upgradeable Mothership Core could serve as the Protoss Versus hero unit (perhaps Selendis), and for Zerg, some other kind of broodmother or such. shrug

I’d like to see Kate Lockwell. If nothing else, I liked her as a character. If she’s too much of a stretch for “military affairs”, then a CO who can use the mechanic of calling upon other COs not in play, utilizing a subset of their abilities, CDs, units, structures, etc.