The current balance being the poorest it has been in the history of the game by a metric fock ton! I look back at the Broodlord infester days (as a non zerg btw) with the most rose tinted glasses one could could imagine in comparison to the balance today. For those that are unaware that era is know as the worse balance bit in sc2 history; now clearly that’s no longer true and we have a new record of bad balance.
This all started ever since the “balance council” took over. So the solution is very simple remove the problem; aka the balance council and replace them with people who actually have an idea what a balance game looks like instead of a completely biased balance council who have made tourney results look… the most skewed in sc2 history once again by such a stupidly large margin its hard to comprehend.
This weird thing we got going right now were Terran is the master race that needs every buff in the book but protoss has had every single unit they ever had nerfed despite tourney results already being in favor of zerg show the balance council is about as clueless as one could possible be.