How good is Fenix P2 and P3?

I don’t use P3 but I’d be open to something like this more so than current P3. Problem with P3 is that some of the champions are capped from benefiting fully from avenging protocol with full attack speed mastery due to animation limitations . Putting points into HP seems counter productive to the prestige.

If P3 had an all army buff it would greatly improve the prestige. Then this really would make it ideal for something like mass adepts, or mass carriers.

For most people on the forums, I’m guessing Brutal is pretty easy with any of the prestiges.

But for higher level brutal+ games, it seems you usually win/lose a game by about the halfway mark-- you’ve either snowballed or you haven’t. And in general, I’ve found ramping up very difficult with p3, as mid-game you’re rolling with six full-priced, low range, low HP champions. They’re cheap to replace when they die, but I think P3 would be more competitive if you got the refund when they inhabit a shell (e.g. their first shell) rather than when they die.

P2 IMO is the strongest for muts. First, its midgame is amazing. You’ll have 6 cheap champs and one super Khadalis. The end game is pretty good too-- just make sure you begin smashing your waves of champs early and with your shells close (but safely) behind. I’d agree end-game DPS and anti air is a bit weaker, but overall the endless waves of cheap powerful champs makes is very powerful and unique.

IMO P2 better than the others against B+1 mutations like double edged, diffusion, and many others that just mean you’ll be losing your forward army. It’s also IMO better vs higher lvl mutations like props/rifts/reanimators (warbringer one shots them from out of town every 5 seconds, just get him on his own hotkey), killbots (cheap units), heroes from the storm/mutually assured destruction (doesn’t matter if all the champs get nuked). I’d say it’s a little worse against avoid the circle stuff like going nuclear, lava burst, and aggressive deployment since those can kill the empty shells that tag behind your main army-- you probably need to leave it behind, which means big long dangerous marches back to your army on big maps. Also it’s hard vs move unseen because you need to manage the low-hp observers on their own hotkey, or constantly add them to your army hotkey making sure you don’t lose your champs. I’ve also found P2 a bit hard when there’s not much room to build.

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Yeah, if nothing else, unlock P2 for HotS counter.

Running P2 is perfectly fine for Brutal, and so is P3. The style difference is where it’s at really.

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P3 is fun with a comp of all non gateway units. (Immortal + scout + Colossus + carrier)

Kaldalis can do some work, but I prefer the above.

Just have to get over the mental hangup of having every unit die ; only immortals and scouts will. Carrier and Colossus barely benefit anyway, but are fine support as they are

Roll with 2 robo 2 Stargate 4 nexus on Brutal. The refund and the backbone carrier Colossus will keep the a + move going

Legionnaire + scout comp will also work, and against most everything. Just not my preference

This is also something happened to WC3 but i have no knowledge of SC2 so i can’t speak.

In War3, there are Animation Backswing Point and Animation Damage Point.

These 2 data dictate how long the attack animation last and run independently with weapon cooldown.

When your unit start attacking the procedure run as follow.

Animation Backswing Point and Weapon cooldown start to countdown.

If Animation Backswing Point finish, it’s Animation Damage Point’s turn.

If the weapon cooldown has already finished but Animation Backswing Point and Animation Damage Point is still running, your units won’t start attacking again.

The thing is Animation Damage Point can be canceled by the player by press the “Stop” command this is called “cancel animation” used by dota 1 player back in the day to physically increase how fast the unit attacks. The prominent hero in Dota 1 that benefits the most is Silencer back in the day where it took him 0.54s to finish Animation Damage Point.

However, if Animation Backswing Point isn’t finished cooldowned, your attack is finished yet and no damage is dealt.

So if you press “stop” during the countdown of Animation Backswing Point, the entire attack is literally canceled.

Animation Backswing Point is similar to Wrathwalker and Karax Monolith’s charge time and it is the upper limit of Monolith’s attack speed.

Even if Monolith’s weapon cooldown is “set” at 0.01s, it will never attack that fast because of the Animation Backswing Point.

I also want to emphasize the word “set” there


highlight the word ‘similar’

because Animation Damage Point, Animation Backswing Point and Weapon Cooldown are affected equally by attack speed.

Say a unit with these data
Animation Backswing Point 0.468
Animation Damage Point 0.544
Weapon Cooldown 1.5

If his attack speed is increased by 100%, his current attack speed will be 200%.

This means his weapon cooldown will be 1.5 divide for 200% = 0.75s

His Animation Backswing Point 0.468 / 200% = 0.234
and Animation Damage Point 0.544 /200% =0.272

Since 0.234 + 0.272 < 0.75, this unit will still attack once every 0.75s as supposed.

But if his weapon cooldown is 0.5 for instance, 0.234 + 0.272 > 0.5 and he will only attack every 0.506s instead of 0.5s because of this constraint.

The thing is Animation Backswing Point is compulsory to begin dealing damage and Animation Damage Point is not automatically canceled. These two values set up the constraint for how fast a unit attack back in War3.

Also this is very technical but each term is used with absolute precise.

Attack speed is not weapon cooldown
and constraint is not limit.

Because Attack speed in war 3 is infinite but the weapon cooldown is limited back in war 3. No matter how much attack speed a unit has, its Animation Backswing Point, Animation Damage Point, Weapon Cooldown will never be lowered than 5 times its set value.

In war3, say you set a footman to have 0.5s Weapon Cooldown, in-game even if you buff the footman attack speed by 10000%, its weapon cooldown will never be lowered than 0.1s in-game. Why i say attack speed is infinite? because if you have buff the footman by 10000% attack speed if your footman get debuff reduced its attack speed by 80%, its weapon cooldown will still be 0.1s.

How fast your unit attack is governed by Animation Backswing Point, Animation Damage Point and Weapon Cooldown.

Attack speed is not How fast a unit attack, it is a manipulation of Animation Backswing Point, Animation Damage Point and Weapon Cooldown.

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Ok, just to rectify this mistake.

It seems i have mistaken Animation backswing with Animation Damage Point.

So the Animation Damage Point occur before Animation backswing

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