How do you keep a positive attitude when smurfs ruin you?

New player here. Basically, subj.

I play 1v1 in EU for about a month, somehow got to low gold, and I totally don’t mind an occasional smurf, as it’s a free training/showcasing what people can do on higher levels. Or two smurfs. Or maybe even three. But beyond that… honestly, SALT OVERWHELMING.

Like the last player with 2400 MMR (EU) and legit 200 APM, I mean he was microing and macroing behind it… as it wasn’t some kind of tight timing or all-in, which I cannot defend because skill issues, I could play this card that I’m getting a training session, blah-blah… but it’s getting old.

So, do you nice people have any tricks to “change the goal” of a clearly unwinnable game to something positive and leading to improvement?

PS: I don’t think it’s killing the game for me… yet, but I can see this as a potential major issue with noobie players retention.

Although there weren’t as many smurfs back when I used to play, I would try to do my builds over and over against AI whenever I had a bad day… gets the execution training done without having to deal with this kind of bs.