How do you feel about the idea of an Adjutent Commander?

A little while ago I saw this and I found it kinda disappointing we never got an Terran Commander that could use something like this. So then I thought about something. What if we got some kind of Adjutent commander that collects machine parts and then builds deadly robotic units out of pieced together structures? Think of it kind of like Dehaka but for Terrans. We’d have Terratron as a Hero unit that has the personality module of an Adjutent commander and it continues to build upon itself with new upgrades as the game progresse.

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That’s like a Mothership +++ in terms of power lol :slight_smile:

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Would be for sure interesting to have a commander who has one herounit who starts extremely weak (with a few additional units to support the playstyle or atleast let you survive until the unit become strong enough) but becomes extremely powerful as terran by having a “build your own xanthos” mechanic.