How do I make a zone that kills any units that are moved into it?

I’m making a training map to help my macro and I’m trying to make a point that I can move all my units to to simulate them dying to my opponent.

I’m pretty sure its a trigger that would do this, but i’m not entirely sure how to do this. My apologies for the noobie question, I’m not too involved with mapmaking but just want to make this quick mod to help me practice the game

Thanks ya’ll

Hi Zachums2tu,

If you are editing a map (as opposed to trying to create an extension mod), then it’s fairly easy:

  • Open the terrain editor, and press ALT + R to put it into region editing mode
  • Click the circle or square in the left-hand sidebar, and then drag on the map to create your region (this is where your units will die)
  • Open the trigger editor (the 2 gears)
  • In the left-hand side, you will see a trigger called “Melee Initialization”, click anywhere here and press CTRL + T to create a new trigger
  • in events use Any unit enters/leaves region, and for region, select the region you created earlier
  • in actions, find kill unit and make sure the unit is triggering unit

This should do it.

If you are attempting to make an extension mod (to be able to apply it to any map), this won’t work (because you can’t use the terrain editor), but for simplicity, just modify a map