How can zerg deal with rush Carrier (prot..) Corruptor is week!

i lost 2 games cus enmy rush Carrier
we zirg only have Corruptor and its nothing!!
cant kill bc or carrier!!

Please post the replay and your mmr.

Corruptors are fine but you’ll want to rush armor upgrades for air vs. carriers (same vs. BCs).

Hello, i have asked the same question myself many times, and i think you simply cannot defeat toss air army no matter what you play. The whole point is to no let toss get enough ressources to get there. Don’t let him have a third or second base

unit tester lotv online --> train corruptor/viper + refill / heal station vs. mass carriers
stop whining please

Unless you are way behind you or you aren’t focus firing the carriers instead of attacking interceptors, Corrupters absolutely crush carriers. Its an L2P issue.

Edit: If you want to make a real topic you could have at least said Carrier/Archon.

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problem is carrier + void + tempest. What’s the point of not being honest?? A balanced game is good for everyone

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Rushing carriers off what? As in defending with cannons and minimal gateway? 2 or 3 bases? Stargate count? A replay or at least more detailed info would help, but corruptors aren’t the only thing that shoot up. I find it’s usually a good idea to hit with a roach ravager timing against most protoss openers, hydras instead if it’s Stargate on 2 bases. Off a 2 base economy, which is typical for a true carrier rush, they can’t afford much of anything else except carriers, and can easily be overwhelmed by a +1/+1 Hydra pack.

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corruptor / viper. ez.

make sure you target down the carriers not the interceptors if you’re using corruptors, infestor with neural and hydralisk (if very low numbers) can also work if its a straight carrier rush

the good good serral game 6

That is so stupid. So Zerg is not allowed to let protoss get the air deathball. But when Zerg had finaly something vs air (infestor) toss cried as SCHITt. Why nobody said “hey so toss, dont let zerg get there”.

Since infested terrans are gone and toss always goes air -> I stoppled playing starcraft 2 again. The new spell works sSSChit. Queen and hydra 3-3 until 200 army with 5 infestor spreading the new cloudspell and the toss FDucking eats me.

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replay please…
C’mon, dude. Do you want zerg to be a race of whiners or a race where players adapt?
3-3 hydras and 5 infestors… did you use fungal on the interceptors after you used the cloud? Did you use the cloud too late? What was the infestor energy like? How many workers did you have? When did you max out and what was the army value like compared to the protoss?

I used fungle and it was same MMR. if you expect magic by me. sorry - cant give you that. i just compare what my enemy does. and he bunkers up on 3 base and I cant do sh it. He just makes sim city, and runs with a deathball around you cant directly counter with the same amount of APM/MMR as a comparable toss player in platin to master. I know how THEORETICALLY i can do the same stuff like serral - just bring in the spores, spread the creep, fungle, than also abduct, also check that queens heal and hydra dont run in front of queen. He has to spam 1-2 storm and move. Ah. Forget storm. He even had only pure air. Just move foreward backward and thats it.

those fat spine crawlers are mesmerizing