How are players who are clearly underdeveloped getting Plat & Diamond

You probably can honestly. Just stack them up and go.

no i mean like 200 supply of scvs

i would have to mass pfs as well though, would be interesting to try lol.

i think it’s doable, but obviously the longer you go the smaller your winning window is. If you wait until you max out on SCV it’ll probably be really hard if they know how to stim and have like 70 army supply.

yeah but there is allot of strategies i could do to win, i could land ccs and morph them into pfs but idk if thats cheating.

uh, yeah i would probably consider that winning by PF far more than winning by maxing on SCV.

I would like to see some replays of these people that you think don’t deserve their rank. But honestly it just comes down to what peek said.

If you are really in the league your profile implies then I assume you have come to this conclusion through watching other people play and thinking that you are better than they are even though you are lower rank. But trust me you are worse than you think you are. I don’t mean this as an insult its just the truth. You as a gold leaguer can probably defeat a Plat 3 but anything higher than that your odds of winning fall drastically.

Its easy to watch a replay and point out every mistake they make. But I promise you if you are in gold league you are making the same or worse mistakes as they are.

As peek said, short of going mass workers I could for sure make it out of gold league doing literally any strategy you want me to do, and likely with a 100% win rate as well. As long as I don’t run into a try hard smurf anyways. I could probably make it to diamond as well doing stupid things in every game.

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If you think that a player doesn’t belong in the league that he is in, you’re prioritizing skill sets incorrectly. All that matters is winning, now and in the future.

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yeah that and also he probably watches winter or something and looks at platinum/ diamond players derp out, but he 100% derps out way harder.

you know like hes clicking the command card and not getting orbitals and stuff.

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“Look at how much money he has, he’s floating way more than I do,” while ignoring the fact he’s down 20 workers relative to the player he’s watching.

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also he probably watches them derp their units and think they are bad because of that because he places more value on his army movement compared to more important things like macro.


I think Harstem said that until you’re in M1, there’s literally no reason to attack because your macro will slip, undermining any potential gain you made with a move out. I’m not 100% sold on it, but it’s a fair point.

yeah theres no way thats true lol, maybe for zerg

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If it didn’t disrupt your opponent’s macro it’d be true, I think.

if you move out ant take out the fourth base but flood 1k i think thats worth it.

with terran bio if you dont move out you will lose against zerg i can tell you that for sure.

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Floating money isn’t too bad, really. It’s more that your economic developments like the construction of your own 4th, the continued production of your own workers will halt. 1k can be spent almost immediately at that stage of the game but you won’t get back the idle time on your CCs.

i can produce units during a fight the issue for me is building more production and supply depots, expanding doesnt take much apm imo.

I’ve seen M3 players have gaps in their worker production while being completely passive.

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cuz plat and diamonds are underdeveloped!? and yes i say this as an underdeveloped diamond lol

I’m not sure it’s exactly that, as that M1 cutoff does not applies to all situations. There’s a fair point in highlighting that the more attention you’ll invest in your pokes, timings and attacks, the more likely there’ll be mistakes, lacks and gaps in your macro. So until your reach the point where you’re efficient with such attacks, or where you can minimize the impact on your production, you should reconsider and focus on your macro instead.

However the turning point isn’t the same for all races, nor for all match-ups, nor for all styles. For example in TvP starting at some point in platinum, you can renounce to an harass timing, but will then have to go for a 2 bases timing. Otherwise you’re just going to be walked over. In master PvZ, unless you go skytoss it’s the same logic : either you go for a B3 gameplan and you have to include some kind of intermediate harass timing, either you skip the harass but will then have to do damage with a 2 bases timing. And basically, the higher the level, the more likely your opponent will be to macro correctly undisturbed, the more pressure there will be for the lagging economy/tech player to get active before maxing.

Good point. Also : looook, at his macro, he has only 50 workers and no B3 at 5’, he’s so bad ! Not mentioning the 20 speedlings rallied onto the opponent mineral line that went through that tiny gap in the wall and killed 12 workers. :kissing:

However it’s true that there are some players whose level is disturbingly low once they’re out of their gameplan. I’ve seen some platinum that had to renounce to a proxy rax marines due to me scouting it too early, and that visibly weren’t used to the classical reaper hellion → banshee double harass TvT timing (that is a staple in TvT starting in platinum). One could argue once youv’e taken too much damage on the harass you can’t really say what would’ve been the macro otherwise. But I’ve fought one twice, and he went for double CC ninja the second time, and was still silver level to me the second time. I can’t see him performing otherwise than cheese or hack. The first time I forced cancel his proxy marines, then killed 10+ scv with my reapers, then canceled his fusion core with my banshee (also forcing 4+ turrets and killing more workers). But the second… his macro just wasn’t on par.

So you see what works for the typical terran cheeser : proxy rax into BC. But once they’re out of their gameplan, there’s nothing. I really though this one must’ve also have some kind of hack not working anymore, but it’s entirely possible he mostly relied on not being scouted and took back the game after a long pause.

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Hartem’s point is exaggerated but to the point. Many content creators say the same thing differently.

Ultimately, besides strategy, this game will come down to who can use their APM better and who has more APM, while trying to disrupt their opponent from effectively using their own. You can treat “APM” or “Attention span” as its own resources: You’re basically also “trading” actions the way you are trading resources, but like banked resources, you might actually be playing yourself if you can’t even play optimally when being completely passive; it really depends on if your opponent is made so uncomfortable by your aggression that his macro/micro slips harder than yours or not, despite your own shortcomings.

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