How 90% of terrans think sc2 works

Protoss: 1 + a click

Zerg: f2 + a click

Terrans: perfect split marines at 3000 apm while triple expanding and switching add ons 10 at a time all while dodging imba storm’s, banes and rupters and also calculating the exact mmr they will liberate from their opponent and how many days remaining till they get to gm (from gold 3)

How Terrans really play: go for easy 2 base all in that hits a minute late cause they forgot stim then T + a click into a few collosi and after losing everything cry about how terran is weakest and for you to commit sodoku while floating all buildings and going to battle net to write an essay on why sc2 is dead game


But it exactly does work that way?




And this is… Also true. When going all-in with “T” stim it’s much easier than facing the zerg-a move late game. If they would STRONG BUFF balance terran late game and slightly nerf terran early game then we wouldn’t need to all-in all the time so we would have more fun and balanced game.


My favorite is when Terran throws away literally thousands of resources in units by not actually microing his drops, not stimming properly, not scouting, getting flanked, failing at scanning for DTs etc. But then still gets salty at the end of the game when they lose.


TvZ is basically pre splitting and pressing T. How they pat themselves on the back so hard for something so insignificant is beyond me.


Remember when Terrans were the A-move 30 APM race back in early WoL 2010?


Back in early 2010 WoL the baneling a-move throw was counted as the insane micro…



The main problem is that they think it’s hard to split units. Oh how I’d like blizz to bring back the muta micro from BW. The teran whine would be epic then. And yet the most demanding micro in this game is in ZvZ ling bene, how ironic.


That sound like a problem of protoss. How is terran late game weak?

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That’s funny, I was just thinking something similar -

“how 90% of SC 2 players think SC 2 works”

  1. complain about SC 2 in endless hyperbolic terms on the forum
  2. repeat step 1

Give it a rest already. Do you even enjoy this game?


Usually protoss not have set of late game cause no conter bc while it mass and other things

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My mans here singlehandedly destroyed an entire race… I’ve never seen a post with this many likes on the forums


Smurf profile, i think you are gold or platinum.
I’m master 1, and yes in master 1, zerg a + click, protoss a + click and if terran don’t micro well they lose. Please don’t try to learn me something in this game when you dont understand 10% of this game and go step up instead of whining. Thx

Nop, dont nobody remember because it’s false. Go out of platinum instead of whining thx


90% of terran thinks they should be able to amove across the map and amove over any army because they have harder macro mechanics then the other races.

Terran basically believes they should be able to amove anything aslong as theyve spammed enough MMM.

But then again, the only reall way to show off how broken terran really is.

Is by allowing terrans to ‘autobuild’ units indefintly as a toggle. Imagine you can just right click a unit in the barracks and it starts auto building.

It would decrease apm tax on terran.

and suddenly you start to understand why terran is in such a dominant position.


Chill out, big shot. That was funny.

Terran: “Terran is the race where you need PGM micro, so hard.”

The same Terran: Manage to get hit by biles with bio.

Me who manages to dodge biles with my overlords: “Are you microing to get hit by biles ?”


Lol, I see this so often. I’ve hit more bio balls with biles than overlords.

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All lies.

The real truth.

Protoss: switching through spellcasters → guardian shield → feedbacks → more switching → force fields → blinking damaged stalkers-> getting out of battle vision to spawn more units-> prism micro (juggling) with units like immortal trying to increase their effectiveness → more blink…and no time to see that WM drop killing all your probes.

Terran: any kind of drop in the back of enemy´s mineral line+ MMM T+A move in the front with sttuter step…while producing with hotkeys without even looking at it. Wooooww…so hard!


This. Sttuter steping marines is the easiest thing to do. Don’t really know why some terran players think they are doing something incredible.


You are generalizing too much, just because 2 terrans on forum are a bit more whiny