HotS & LotV Chronological Order

If its in miniscule amounts, how is that any better an explanation than the miniscule amounts of energy theyre getting from sunlight?




Im going to have to ask for some math on that.

For what? Making a warp blade? Google how much energy it takes to power a lightsaber. It absolutely dwarfs 3000 calories or whatever a protoss needs to live each day.

You ok girl ? 202020

No, I finally come out of hospital and… running head first into a brick wall of piling up work!


@Current Topic

I think you both forgot about Aeon of Strife. The Protoss has access to neither power source. The early Nerazim wouldn’t be needing Adun if Void energy was widely use during the era.

Moreover, from evolution stand point the idea of drawing energy from psionic source is quite ridiculous. The Protoss was gaining energy from something first before evole to be capable of psionic ability.

Lastly, you two confuse between the energy consumption rate and total amount of energy. The energy require to sustain 9ft. tall life form for a WHOLE day is definitely going to be more than what you need to power a lifesaber for a second or two (I’m willing to bet that keeping a mice alive for a century will require more energy than powering lightsaber for a second). And don’t get me started on bending light. I really need a math on this.

I did, actually. It’s clear that you’re making castle on the sand at this point.

If ‘working’ really meant, the way you claim it means, then this

is neither hyperbole nor sarcasm. It’s also not a Straw Man; you really believe this point. However, the second sentence makes no sense under your definition of ‘working’.

Anyway, I asked some (well, one) of my native English speaking friend and your definition is clearly wrong. So…

Now, who is making a reply to funny comment? :laughing:

Yes, that’s my point exactly! There’re other more ridiculousc feast. I don’t understand why Gradius wants to fixate on this one. Either ignore it or call out everything.

Interesting theory, however, if you claim that they draw energy from psi-matrix, then it’s not from sunlight. You also ran into the problem of how the Protoss feed themselves while making the psi-matrix.

Maybe, but that’s irrelevant to the Solar Core. You need to understand that substance can act as a fuel in one process and act as catalyst in another. Saying that it can be burned doesn’t mean that it can’t be a catalyst. It’s like pointing to an oven and claim that all wood can do is being a fuel.

The amount of Solarite never dimishes with time. The size of Solar Core is never bigger just brighter. And Karax said so in a context of the Solar Core. As such, for the Solar Core usage, the Solarite is used as a catalyst.

Are you stupid? The only thing that should come out in pink is Darth Vader.

That has nothing to do with this, though… The creature is digesting something and get Solarite as by product. That’s dratically different from burning Solarite as it gets.

Thank goodness you’re safe. Welcome back!

Thankfully the Protoss can draw energy from more than just the spectrum of sunlight, being able to draw energy from a wider range of the electromagnetic spectrum, like x-rays and UV rays.

Since this is science fiction, we can assume that psionic energy is one such spectrum they can draw from.

It looks like the psi-matrix was there before the Protoss were uplifted, or at least the framework for it, given the presence of a Xel’Naga temple on Aiur.

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Sure, there is no better place in the Internet for me.

Yeah, that’s our Emperor working theory. The Protoss drew energy from various spectrum to sustain themselves. No need to drew anymore energy from any psionic source.

I believe this theory could work on Aiur and the Protoss use some of its magic, I mean, technology to help sustain them while staying off world. (Overcoming food source is nothing new in space relate Sci-Fi; we just need this to work on Aiur) Of course, there’re numerous technical problems like Exergy, but I ignore those.

We definitely could, but I’m not sure why. Are you trying to reconcile both competing theory?

Framework? Certainly. However, the Xel’Naga temple was build during Amon’s visit. Even if it was build prior, there was no psionic field on the planet. Karax kind of hint on this when he talk about using Khala to experience the joy of when Psi-Matrix was first made.

The solar core with its magic space rocks, and a tall organism using sunlight as its only fuel are both completely different explanations with opposite levels of falsifiability. It requires some massive willful ignorance to not see the difference.

If the protoss were a silicon panel instead of living beings, maybe. Those forms of radiation are lethal to DNA based carbon life forms like protoss. There’s a reason plants don’t do this. Go look this up if you don’t believe me.

The Protoss explicitly use sunlight. It’s over a greater range of the EM spectrum than plants, but not much greater.

Plus their skin is grey meaning they reflect most of that light and don’t absorb it anyway, so it’s still BS.

That’s literally not the answer the writers gave us.

If we’re to assume that then it’s because we’re ignoring the answer the writers gave us and using a superior explanation as a band aid and admitting that retcon was completely unnecessary.

The protoss already had energy sources. No need for sunlight.

Yeah, I don’t know how to explain this without insulting you again… so, I’ll just say it. You really don’t understand how any of this work. You need to know that some of our real world carbon base DNA creature can live in an extreme condition like at the bottom of the ocean over active hot spring full of acid. The plant don’t do it, yes, but they already absorb enough energy for their own survival.

Also, the Protoss is living in Aiur’s atmosphere. They’re going to survive and absorb whatever range of radiation there. You need to understand the very basic idea of evolution; life evolve to fit its environment, not the other way around. If there are this spectrum of electromagnetic wave in the environment, then life will evolve to withstand it.

First of all, this is a speculation, of course, but it’s not as blatant as you think. For one thing, grey is better than green. For another, this is canon. I thought you hold developers intentions in the highest regard; you quote their interview to support your point all the time. Don’t only do that when you’re agree with them; that’s how we got cherry-picking. (Take part of Interview that agrees with you and ignore part that’s not IS a cherry-picking)


I’m not saying that this idea is scientifically workable, though. I just saying that it’s not because of the reason that Gradius thinks. We agree that it can’t work just not why.

Those are single celled organisms that can rapidly repair their DNA and go through multiple generations quickly. Large animals have way higher energy needs than a single celled organism though, which is why those animals don’t exist on earth even though the unicellular oganisms do.

That’s not how it works. It’s not about absorbing what’s there. Most sunlight on earth is green, yet paradoxically plants reflect it instead of absorbing it. It excites the electrons just enough to be optimal for producing sugar out of stored molecules. But not too much that the electron zips away and starts wreaking havoc. Also, it penetrates deeper and photosynthesis can occur at many other layers of the planet, whereas other light is absorbed right at the surface.

Chlorophyll is one of the most efficient molecules for photosynthesis. We even make synthetic versions of it.

No…it’s not.

You’re the Blizzard fanboys, so I give you interviews straight from the source. Want to know how Raynor was meant to be portrayed? I’ve got an interview. Want to know if Kerrigan is resurrected or just burrows back to base? I’ve got an interview.

Now let’s look at you, who provides no interviews or evidence of any type. Instead of you have butthurt emotional ramblings such as the whole post above. I mean, wtf do interviews have anything to do with the current topic?

In this instance I’m criticizing the writing of the game, not supplying evidence for an argument. You really too incompetent to tell the difference? Were you dropped on your head as a child? -_-

Your interview, when you stopped cherry picking statements from it, literally said the opposite of what you were claiming it did.

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Ah, there are single cell life form, but that’s not what I’m referring to…

What are you talking about? Of course, every life form must absorb what is available in their own atmosphere.

Yes, because the energy in sunlight is more than those plants need. They don’t need to absorb everything just enough to sustain themself. I’m glad you do some research about this whole thing since the last time, but it’s still not enough. You still don’t understand what you’re typing, but it’s better.

Okay, it seems you really don’t know what you’re talking about; that’s not how photon absorption works. Please search atom hydrogen spectrum. It’s not about total energy. There is a reason why we can stay out in the sun and never have and skin cancer until recently.

EDITED: Here is a thing, as you stated correctly yourself, most of the sunlight energy is in the green spectrum, the blue spectrum has lessor amount of energy, the violet even lessor still… and yet, it’s the ultraviolet light that causes us skin cancer not green. Life evolves to withstand natural light and utilize them. Please try and warp your head around this concept; you won’t go anywhere until you do.

You’re confused between energy carries by a single photon and the energy that exists in sunlight. Think of it this way, you can either carry a ten unit of energy with one photon, this photon will be in high frequency. Or you can use ten photons each carries only a unit of energy and thus vibrates at low frequency.

Couple this with the knowledge that each atom (and by extension chemical compounds) only accepts photon with specific energy (frequency) and you’re starting to get there.

Nope, go read your book again. Some light is absorbed at the surface; some penetrates and being absorbed at deep layer. This is so that the energy absorption is occurred evenly not just at the surface. This is how the leaf ‘design’. It got nothing to do with photon.

I hope I don’t have to explain to you why it’s better to spread the absorption over all layer.

Yeah, but this is Sci-Fi… Do you really have problem believing that the Protoss utilizes something better?

Is this our English again or something? Grey surface reflects less light than green. And so if we’re really going by the color grey is better. I’m not sure where are you going here.

Because it was stated from official source that the Protoss absorbs light and water. I didn’t make it up. Seeing as you like to quote them to support you cases so much, I don’t understand why you argue against them now. Shouldn’t you stop arguing as soon as I state that this is canon?

So we don’t need to supply evidence when that happens? I’m extremely confused here. When exactly does evident becomes a must? And when it’s not? If I criticize the story, then I don’t need to? But if I’m defending it, then I must?

Are these hyperbole/sarcasm?

I literally copy/pasted what it said in direct quotation marks. Whereas you misinterpreted an unrelated statement and tried to spin it as evidence for your position.

Plants don’t absorb the entire EM spectrum that hits the ground. They just absorb a narrow range that they’re fine-tuned for. I suggest you educate yourself on the topic further before replying.

Mass Effect did it right. It gave the Turians metallic exoskelletons to compensate for more radiation getting through the atmosphere. It didn’t make them grey photosynthetic aliens.

I have a newsflash for you. Guess what color the plants on Aiur are? Guess what the plants on Aiur look like? The exact same as those on Earth! :astonished:

So why tf are you saying that there’s different higher-energy parts of the spectrum hitting the planet? It seriously does not work that way, even if you want to explicitly ignore what the writers are saying.

Wtf are you talking about.


The ultraviolet is higher energy than the visible light…of course it gives us more cancer. It literally destroys nucleic acids, and we kill germs with this type of light. Plants and animals have mechanisms for dealing with it though…even though a huge majority of it is absorbed in atmosphere before it ever hits the ground.

How do I take you seriously now? :thinking:

Again, none of that contradicts what I said. You need to go google “why are plants green” and get back to me.

Absorbtion in the UV range not only requires more steps to harvest the energy but more energy expended into DNA repair and less light that penetrates into deeper layers. Sure, on some other planet with more UV radiation they would be better suited to doing this because there would be more UV than on Earth, but at some point you get diminishing returns. That planet also isn’t Aiur, which has normal green plants.

There’s a reason Earth is generally considered finely tuned for life and in the Goldilocks zone.

The other radiotrophic organisms you mentioned cannot absorb gamma or x-rays as food if you scale them up to the size of protoss. It works for a unicellular organism. It doesn’t work when you have a heart, muscles, endocrine system, are constantly producing new cells, need to transport cellular waste out of the body, are constantly fueling a sugar-hungry brain, etc. etc.

That’s literally what I just said… :roll_eyes:

You’re still confused. Again:

Absorbing more of the EM spectrum =/= better.

Just go google why plants are green at this point.

I’d expect the protoss to have adaptations that maximize skin surface area, or porous skin to allow for more light absorption. Or darker skin. They have none of that. It literally can’t work the way the writers are saying it does unless we just turn our brains off.

Look at Artanis or Alarak. They’re the shade of grey that’s almost white. Most sunlight is going to bounce right off of them.

…and I’m not denying that it’s canon. I’m just telling you it’s stupid.

Is this a joke? You really don’t get this? :neutral_face:

You supply evidence when an interview confirms a fact that’s evidence for your position.

Does nobody on this forum know how debates work?


I do, but seeing this CF is hillarious.

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Okay, then I’ll ignore them.

I agree. I’m so sorry. I thought your problem is that you don’t understand anything about photon absorption. It seems you also don’t understand anything about photon emission. Please educate yourself about black body radiation. (Skip the part about grey body, it’s too complicated for you.)

Yeah, and those narrow range just happens to be coincide with the visible light? It’s not. The plant fine tune themselves to absorb part of light that hits the ground first. They then specialize into a narrower range, but with more efficiency. Even though, it was from smaller spectrum, it gains more energy.

Of course, if the plant could absorption with higher efficiency from wider domain that would lead to a better yield, but they don’t. THEY ALREADY HAVE SUFFICED ENERGY. We’re talking about 9ft. tall highly active life form. So, of course, that’s not enough.

And I have a newsflash for you. Guess what color the emerald is? Green! Just like plant! It must be from Chlorophyll!

So you’re saying that the Chlorophyll is the only way any life form can extract energy from light. And that even though Aiur is a different planet with possibly different atmosphere make up and a different star and thus different level of radiation on the surface, the plant there must utilize Chlorophyll because… it’s green?

Yeah, that’s too advance for you don’t worry about it. You should try to understand Planck’s Spectrum first.

Err… I would advice you to not embrass yourself further. Please remember that you type, correctly, this line

You do understand that most of the sunlight energy is in the green-ish spectrum? And that the ultraviolet spectrum has a much lower energy…

Don’t worry, this is all tie up to the fact that you don’t understand anything about radiation from the sun. Just educate yourself on those and you will be fine.

… I honestly have no idea how to answer this!

That’s because you don’t understand what this is about…

Yes, but that statement is still being debated; we simply don’t know if environment of this planet is fine tuned for life or life happens on this planet and fine tune itself to thrive on this environment.

I like to believe that we evolve to fit our environment, but that’s topic probably too complicate for you.


So when you type this,

You mean to tell me that this sentence means that; most of the light that hit the very first layer of the leaf penetrates through while some is being either absorbed or reflected. And at the second layer most of the light penetrate through while some small faction is being absorbed or reflected. And so on and so forth. And that the word whereas other light is absorbed right at the surface doesn’t mean all the reflection occurs at the surface while the absorption happens evenly throughout?

Not neccessary. For one thing, we don’t know what kind of radiation generally found on the surface of Aiur. Secondly, the visible light is a very small range of spectrum. So, this particular point is kind of useless, anyway. Lastly, the different here is between green and grey; not pale white. Grey color is equally bad at absorbing all domain of visible light while green is bad at just the domain where energy from our sunlight is happened to be the strongest. Please tell me you can work the rest out on your own…

Well, seeing as you like to shoot down other people’s brilliant idea by saying that it contradicts canon… Yeah, I don’t get it. Isn’t an idea is automatically better if it’s part of canon even though it’s kind of stupid?

And when an interview debunk your position you ignore it and call the developer idoit, right?

You really don’t understand how cherry-picking works?

CF? 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

Yes, this is a clear sentence.

Cluster of f…riction.

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