Holy moly zerg and toss easy af before masters 2

Just a reminder PSA . Zerg and toss can just f 2 a move to masters

no skills needed. skill/reward is not symmetrical. terran has to struggle while zerg and toss can do less and still achieve more.

remember before you salty clowns get here, this is for masters 2 and below. I understand its different at masters 1 and above.

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I remember when I was a noob Terran back when I started playing this game. I did very bad. I was in silver.

However after dueling Protonoobs, I noticed that Protonoobs are easier race. And I wanted that gold so hard. So I switched to Protonoob to get that gold award.

Unfortunately I ended in Master 2 after few days so I couldn’t have gold rank anymore on the profile display. Thanks bananalance team. Buff ultralisks even more.

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Sure, some terrans struggle because the constant whining on forums does not leave much time for practicing the actual game.


remember your terran will always be -400 MMR atleast from your toss / zerg MMR . Quite pathetic don’t you agree ?

Youre basically a silver player skill wise, but f2 a move can get you to gold am i right?

haha proxy rax goes brrrrt

hahaha try to make it past diamond with that , cope cause you cant play terran

I mean I got Diamond 1 by only building marines, no gas. Macro gets you to masters, not the race.

I got to GM with lings and lots

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Gasless? That would be impressive.

yea its impressive how your mom raised a braindead person you know?

You were adopted by Tura’s mom?

Good one - you created a new account just to post, quite pathethic


I want to know what macro build you were going for as Zerg

vs T?
Vs P?

Which units were you F2 A moving? I’d like to try!

Thanks grumpypants1

I see you mention zerglings, can you tell me a bit more?

Did you get banes? Did you upgrade? When did you upgrade? etc

I would love a bit of specifics because I want to try your build to get out of D3

As it should be now make Terran easy too so I can que random and a click to victory.

yea just speed lings , doesn’t take skills to play zerg . just a move no micro needed

lol. Sorry but thats just not true. Speedlings can not win you games on their own by f2 a moving. Especially longer macro games. — at least not in diamond and above.

1000 lines will die to a few forts and thors/tanks

Or most Protoss armies

I thought you were being serious but now I I’m now you’re trolling

Terran is only harder to start out with, Zerg is harder to reach master/gm with, hence why there’s less Zerg in master/gm and more Terran in bronze

sorry actually its true, speedlings can get you to GM

Nope , at masters 2 thats when the skills are level set. They are more balanced. Before that , you can do less and achieve more with other races. sorry buddy you’re in denial

such an ez race do teh experiement scurbsd