Hey i was wondering if campaign will

I was wondering if Campaign will put characters from another series to like play as… or fight certain A.I minds like a Orc or a Ogre i mean where in the future here.
Its true it is a bit out of the flow but we want everything in campaign lol… Co op good but only to like a few enemies im guessing so i was wondering put in shows like Fushig Yuugi and 4 gods or The Sons of Korhal…

Nah that’d be stupid.

Well im gonna give it a shot lol

I recognize most of these words, but the sentences confuse me.


lol i just had a few bad sentence days or years Lmao

If it is community created, then there is a chance (if someone is willing to invest the time). There has already been someone who created a ‘co-op’ version of campaign allowing up to 3 players to play campaign missions together. However, based on track record (of 10 years), campaigns that have been released has never been touched after that (not withholding bug fixes). Ever.

Since we are in the Activision era right now, from track record too, they rarely release new content if it doesn’t involve some sort of profit that they deem to be worthwhile.

This will be pretty much impossible.

If memory serves, putting another company’s IP is considered illegal. Or at least, Activision is not wiling to pay some sort of licensing fee to cover for it. I believe this was a big hoo-haa when War3RF’s T&Cs were dissected down. Many were complaining that they can no longer create their favourite classic custom games because of this IP issue.

Plus the fact that all maps that are created on any of Activision’s game editors are considered the property of Activision. (Which will then tie back into the first point again, whether the community is willing to create but give their rights over to Activision.)

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Correct. Turns out theyre no longer allowed to directly steal assets from other people and upload it to Warcraft.