Hero upgrade scaling

Don’t bring Mutators into balance talk. Mutators are an add-on to the game to make it more challenging, but are not meant to be balanced around. If they were, then Mengsk and Raynor would have literally OP unkillable units vs Black Death.
You may consider a bug fix as a nerf, to each their own. However, 9hp/3en is more than enough. Yes, it takes a while to heal up a tanky unit, but that’s more than fair. Raynor’s Medics get an upgrade that changes their heal speed from 9hp/3en to 12hp/3en. Mengsk’s don’t. However, his Intercessors from the base get double healing, whereas Raynor’s Medics have to wait until Mastery.
Most Troopers aren’t meant to tank a Psi-Storm. If you want that, make Flame Troopers. Psi-Storm is meant to be a hard counter to Troopers. Learn to micro them or just let them bait the storms out and let your Royal Guards take out the rest. If you’re using P3, this isn’t much of an issue as you spam Troopers anyway and let them nuke the enemies with their weapons.

Medivacs were definitely bugged as they did not intend them to heal more than they wanted to. It was not meant to be a nerf, their healing was just above what was actually listed until it was fixed.

It should be now when Brutal+ actually feature mutators as difficulty factor.

And yes, no sane man consider bug fix as nerf.

Mutations should not and should never be considered when talking about Commander balance.
Discussing mutator balance when it comes to Brutal +1/2/3… etc. is a completely different thing.

Countering mutation is more about using your commander’s units/ability in a way that adapts to their effects. Each commander’s balance is fine as they are (some do need rebalancing but mutation should not be the reason).

But there are terrible mutation synergy which pretty much render that commander useless. You have to either accept its challenge or admit your loss and type GG.

Exactly. I’ve seen people say that Mengsk and Raynor need OP healing or OP units so they can ez gg Black Death mutations, and it’s like… Do you even understand how balance works?

High quality post there. Where did you get that idea from? And could you explain Spirit of Respite (Vorazun P1) to me in the context of Black Death?

The point of mentioning troopers dying to a single storm despite healing was merely to place the fragility of the troopers and the low healing rate in a context that anyone should be able to relate to even if they don’t play Mengks. Nobody is perfect so everyone knows what it’s like to take a storm and what kind damage it does to their forces. Yet somehow you managed to interpret it as something like omg can’t beat storm unfair and then proceed by boasting your awesome micro skillz which is hilarious really, especially baiting part. Do you think this is versus? Why don’t you just use contaminated strike or emp or a missile or eso or yamato to take out ht like any other Mengks player would do? Do you also do this with H&H instead of just sending a strike fighter? But just in case you’re not just beating your chest at me feel free to give a demonstration, sempai. I don’t mind learning something new.

You conveniently ignored that Raynor’s healing is also bugged so I’ll mention it again. The secondary heal from the mastery does not prevent another medic from using their primary heal, resulting somehow in only 1.5 times the healing output instead of 1.9 but it definitely stacks. Two medics heal two wounded targets faster than one medic heals one wounded target. If Amon wants to kill two troopers being healed by two medics he will have to keep storming until the medics run out of energy because the damage of storm is completely outhealed with time to spare.

Funny thing is it takes almost 30 seconds to storm to death a single trooper healed by a single medic even though the ht have a head start. With a 12hp/s heal and 25% damage reduction the trooper should take 3 damage per second, which means the trooper should die within 15 seconds, so something about the heal must be better than it says in the tooltip.

If you insist that Raynor’s and Mengk’s heals are in any way balanced, I would love it if medics and intercessors swapped heals. Being able to heal mechanical would also make a huge difference.