Here is, how the Patch woud be, if Protoss woud be biased

  • Bunker removed from the game.

Instead they get 100 hp repair for a unit in radius of orbital command.

-stim bio units get -2 dmg nerf per shot vs all unit types

  • Tanks will now deal more dmg to light , less to all other armored units.

  • Maredeure Mineral Cost decreased from 100/25 to 75/25. Weapon Cooldown increased from 1.04 to 1.14 (9.6% increase).

-a dvanced Ballistics effect changed from providing +2 range in Defender mode to increasing the radius in Defender mode from 5 to 6.25 (56% area increase) but dmg vs stalkers/Colossi/archon reduced by 10 dmg per shot. So it take 2 hits more than before to kill these units.

Glave Adapts bonus damage versus Light increased from 10 (+1) to 10 (+5)

  • Depot give now +1 vision more

  • Battelcruser now cost 500/500 and 2 more supply

  • stim upgrade cost increase 200/200

  • Ghost acedemy cost increase 150/200

  • Medicac heal rate reduce by 20 procent

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most of these ideas are stupid and also fix up your spelling


my god that spelling


He is being sarcastic…
Obviously the changes are out of this world

Now compare them with the changes made in the PTR Patch, see something similar?..

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Idk, some people would most definitely be serious about these

They heavily nerfed the planetary fortress, a huge buff to zealot counter attacks and well as forward-blinks, and a buff to DT snipes. Oh, it’s a huge nerf vs carriers too. They heavily nerfed the sensor tower, giving terran less time to be in position with other units aka making terran more reliant on the planetary they just nerfed. It’s obvious that toss is massively buffed in TvP in particular and Protoss whiners are still crying like the sky is falling even though though they are starting with a baseline historical PvT advantage and adding big buffs on top.

I blame youtube balance whiners like Winter and PiG who milk views out of platinum protoss whiners to the detriment of the health of the game. Toss has been absolutely dominating everywhere except the semi finals of premier tournaments and the balance counsel has been scared to address it because protoss whiners are so aggressive. The net result is an increasingly elitist game where balance is so fubar’d that you can’t rely on any in game factor to win so you can only beat protoss by outmultitasking them. Then they wonder why SC2 popularity is going down, when they’ve created a game where it’s impossible to win without 400 apm, and it’s even taking the entire RTS genre down with it. Gamers at large are seeing these long, stressful, 40 minute games dominated by impossible speed and multitasking, and are like “yeah so RTS games suck.”

An obvious counter argument is yeah so the game is elitist except for protoss which is easier and so that’s the noob race. That does solve the elitism problem except it creates 2 new problems: 1) Protoss becomes the most common race, and PvP becomes the most common matchup, aka the only thing you ever play against is Protoss, protoss, and more protoss. So it hurts the diversity of the game and diversity of the strategy. The only way to get the best of both worlds is to nerf protoss to where each race has an equal win-rate for equal skill and this removes the elitist component of SC2 while maximizing diversity.

Protoss whiners like PiG are going to lose their mind but that’s fine. They are holding the RTS genre back and should be ignored. MaxPax is doing great on the new patch (credit to reddit), but keep in mind PiG wanted to buff protoss even more lmao. If the balance counsel listens to PiG, we will have another year of Protoss >50% of GM and winning 2x as many tournaments as zerg. People just need to realize that protoss whiners are living in another dimension and it’s simply best to stop giving them attention.

The protoss issue is enormous. Every zerg streamer has been complaining about protoss and many have stopped or reduced streaming. I went from an average of 80 viewers streaming every other day to streaming once per month because I got so flipping tired running into skytoss abusers literally every game. Now I play in private and if I run into a known skytoss abuser I just leave the game. Not wasting time on them lmao.

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I totally agree, people should be serious about.

The bunker removal is a reference for battery overcharge removal in this PRT patch.
The 100 hp repair for a unit is for the Energy overcharge.
The Marauder nerf is the Distruptor reference.

And so on…

What he is trying to show is how everyone instantly disagrees with these hypotetical Terran changes while, in the PRT Patch everyone agreed to nerf Protoss.

He just proved his point…

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Balance changes are based on a unit or faction’s performance. Simply assuming that a “similar” nerf should apply to very different units from different factions for no reason is ridiculous. Disagreeing with such changes when there is no basis to make them is not hypocrisy.

Most of the suggestions here (such as completely removing Bunkers and randomly increasing the Battlecruiser’s cost with no compensation at all) are also significantly more extreme than the actual suggestions listed in the patch.

The few that aren’t “more extreme” have their own problems, such as reducing the cost of Marauders and adjusting the Siege Tank’s damage to be more flat (the Tank deals anti-armor damage specifically so that it remains an effective zone control unit without being too efficient against light units).

Yes, you are right, that’s why he’s being sarcastic. He’s not proposing those Terran changes to be applied.
He is just presenting a point of view for everyone on how the Protoss Changes are affecting the Race.
So yes, most of the comments arguing about the hypotetical changes, are giving him the reason.

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Its amusing how many People dont get this while its literally Stated in the headline that He mocks the Balance Patch. He says Here is what its Look like If the Patch would be as biased vs terran as they are right now vs toss.

However too many are taking it seriously :smiley:

Ironically they Sometimes even call Out how completly Off These ideas are. Not realizing its exactly what Happens with protoss. Lmao.

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It always, amazes me…

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Everyone already knows that.

Nothing even remotely close ever happens to protoss which is why it was useful to dissect the suggestions and show they aren’t realistic at all. Doing so undermines the power of his analogy and shows the analogy is born of bias instead of rational thought. Protoss whiners live in alternate universe where big foot is real, unicorns prowl the forest, and protoss is underpowered, receives nothing but nerfs, and anyone who points out that Protoss have statistically impossible over performance is literally hitler born again.

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To be blunt, the comparison is ridiculously far off.

I checked the last several patches, and I needed to go all the way back to 5.0.9/5.0.10 to find a patch where Protoss did not receive buffs. It can even be argued that every patch since 5.0.11 actually contained more Protoss buffs than nerfs; although the Disruptor nerfs in particular were likely to hurt.

Most of these suggestions also do not have a good counterpart.

Nope clearly visible with the First one.

This is directly Mocking the First Change in the ptr Patch notes

Pretty in your face and obvious to See for everyone. Dont know why anyone could Miss that.

(For clarity the First Change is: sb Overcharge removed and new ability +100 Energy recharge.)

You still have shield batteries, which are your bunker equivalent; and those have even been directly buffed. You lost an ability that boosts Shield Batteries; but the closest equivalents to that would be an increased repair time on the bunker, or something equivalent.

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Didnt say the comparison is 100% correct.

I Just Said its clearly visible what Hes Up to and He introduces His sarcasm with His headline.

Im seriously Not getting why anyone could Not See that.

No, it’s not, but I would expect something at least 25% of the way there. Maybe the OP gets 1/10 on this one.

If you say so.

I cant help you.