Help with TvT (mech)

Hi there,

im just a mid level player -

but I was wondering, my Mech vs Mech enemies seem to fancy alot of tank turret style, with either viking or BC stacking.

I’d prefer to post a replay, to show you what I mean.
I don’t need advise on my mechanics,

just wondering on the strategy against it… since I thought (until this) Tank+Viking is a WOTL strategy… and I found that Vikings now deal extra damage to Mech is really weirdly strong against mech.

How can I send replay… edit: offline

**So what unit combo (if you are already mech), vs **
Tanks/turrets, Vikings, some Liberators

Thanks <'3

You want a few tanks at key locations and get your own air comp (viking raven Bc) lib if thor
If you commit hard to mech midgame with uprades then thors can do well vs any terran air also
But ultimate lategame you want sky terran either way

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drop . sc (post link here with spaces around the dots)
Tanks shoot further with more vision (air units) so it’s all about the range and vision here. Thors + tanks + scans are good and a few ravens in the back vs. mass banshee or to disable other tanks, libs, BCs, thors.
Mass BC should be kinda op on your level though because of army value and teleport. Or something like tank/thor/BC

Thors get yamatoed, don’t they

drop. sc
Game: unspectacular, two attacks by me vs defensive dude just wondered what units to do… Enemy knew well what to do albeit being very defensive/quite uncheesy in economy.
Again: I don’t play too regular, so don’t look at my mechanics (too much)

  • thanks.

Thors are great solution early on since you can mass then more easily than bcs, and you will also have better upgrades, atleast supposed to if the game was atleast even
You will have the production of atleast 5 tech lab factories while he has to add them later, just be sure to scout his transition
After that get your own air army with upgrades, preferably raven viking, you can trade out úr thors very late if you get 3 3 air and get ur own Bc, if the game lasts that long

drop . sc / replay / 11742535

similiar style, vs gold. I still couldn’t do it. tried to do some thors too… and of course I know I have some inexperiences with some unit behaviours and the concentration on that made the macro slack.

so don’t look at that, more like unit composition and how to play here - is my question.

  1. You have to constantly move your tank/thor army and search for easy damage.
    In the last game it was the main base on the north side.
    If you siege a tank, you can see it’s range - use that to siege a tiny bit closer to take out the turret in front of the enemy tank or a depot - anything.

  2. If the guy turtles on 2 bases, get a few marines/SCVs to scout the map for hidden bases and scan his main (production / tech).
    Mass vikings is kinda a hard counter to mech because you can fly past and destroy the production / deny additional tank range without scans.

  3. Vs. mass vikings get a few cyclones and kite the vikings - if he lands, a-move them with your main army and if he flees, kite them with the cyclones and move your army back to the middle of the front of your base or siege in front of his bases.

  4. When you are maxed, expand around the map with planetary fortresses and a few missile turrets around it to mine the gas (don’t get ahead in workers by more than 5 so your army won’t be significantly smaller.
    Mules / more orbitals will get you an extra mineral income.
    Starting with your 4th base, get at least one sensor turret (like 1 sensor turret per per PF) so you can watch the army movement.

  5. If you are not aggressive vs. tank/viking, he will probably switch into mass BCs and teleport into your base once you are out of position and it’s gg, so trade constantly to make him react / spend ressources defensively.
    –> Tank/thor/cyclone to be aggressive and do damage + hellions with blue-flame upgrade to scout for proxy bases.

  6. DON’T forget upgrades like here in game 2! Get attack/defense upgrades before you get the building armor. Mech doesn’t care about armor - it’s all about attack unless you face mass BCs.

you can also kinda match his army with mass vikings but get 2-3 thors, 3-4 cyclones and once you’re kinda maxed: 4 liberators with range (fusion core + starport with techlab).
So try to kill his vikings, have more vikings, then siege his base and kill turrets so your ranged libs can kill the tanks - maybe 2-3 ravens vs. banshees or thors.

Edit: The main thing is to move around his base like a lion in a cage (with tanks + anti air and maybe 1-2 libs to destroy tanks).
NEVER a-move thors into tanks unless they are unsieged!!!
You can land vikings on them, siege them with liberators or drop hellbats on them if they are sieged.

I forgot the best part:
Get extra orbital commands and if he has too many tanks, drop mules on them here and there to make them shoot each other or shoot workers (friendly fire / splash damage).
–> Doesn’t work if the mules get insta-killed by marines or something that shoots fast but still try one time and then try it a few times here and there in better positions.

If you make him kill a turret, that’s awesome because then your libs can siege on a tank from one side.
Really play with range and move around the guy and use mules so you can siege better on him with tanks and liberators or just kill anything so he doesn’t feel safe at any time.


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Actually bio beats mech, you can try bio.