Help me understand Zagara P3

What you do is build a whole bunch of Bile Launchers and Static D. Then you can warp a Hero arround to help defend the emplacements. If you are good with this, you can do Queen drop tactics and build offensive Bile Launchers with Hero support.

There, you don’t have to waste any (or much) money on units.

Isn’t the only time P1 is useful is when your “role” is to sacrifice units? Like vs. Killbots, Mines, etc.

You always get free banelings just by having a baneling nest.

mass banelings vs propagators
mass banelings vs double edge (using the baneling barrage ability would often just kill Zagara)
mass scourge on void launch (can be good on mutations where you want to avoid being out on the map often)

thats sounds actualy weird but interesting, haha. any replay available?

Baneling Barrage only kills Zagara with double edge if you target buildings.

“The more you know!”

Just for you. :stuck_out_tongue:

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