I purchased the trilogy a day ago and it shows as completed in my transaction history, however, when I log into the game the Heart of Swarm campaign is greyed out and I am unable to start a campaign. This is what I have done to try and fix the issue:
- Simple log out and back in.
- Removed the indices folder from the install director per guidance by support team
- Removed StarCraft II folder from Documents and from ProgramData
- Completely removed SC 2 and Battle net from PC and used a reg cleaner to check for any traces and removed them too. Reinstalled both battle net and SC 2 fresh. Same issue.
- Uninstalled again and reinstalled to a different drive.
- Changed the region from Americas to EU (still was not able to start a campaign) - Changed to Asia where it does allow me to start a campaign with heart of swarm but all my progress from other campaigns is lost. This is a half fix, but I don’t want to have to log into Asia every time and it shows my other campaigns incomplete .
After trying all those things I don’t have any ideas of what else to do so I am posting here and waiting for technical support to get back to me.