Has Blizzard ever thought about AI generated maps?

Has Blizzard or their South Korean partners ever think about using AI to generate balanced maps for 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4 ladder? I think some of the balance issues, especially in team games would go away, maybe not fully go away, but way better than the map pools we have now.

Just a thought, AI generated maps could be a fun addition if anyone can come up with it.

Ai generated content has to be trained across thousands of data points and there’s not enough maps to do that. If you want to factor in balance then you’d need clean balance data and good luck getting that. Ai generated content is a core part of video games. I’ve developed chat bots for video games that try to boost player engagement for small indie games for example.

No, and they shouldn’t - Every tech person needs to learn to stop shoehorning AI - particularly ML - into things. It’s not actually a coherent and reasonable solution to many problems that it tries to get used for.

If you want to generate a map that has a semblance of balance, a better approach is to randomly arrange pre-generated chunks of map data; which is to say to use procedural generation. Like, make ten “main base”, make ten “natural” - tag the size and shape of each of their ‘exits’ - and then you have the rest of the map much less constrained, just simply picking from a larger pool of ‘map features’.

Then you randomly pick a main, randomly pick a natural, randomly pick connectors, etc; rerolling until there’s some number of bases on the map.

This process is very tried-and-true, but it isn’t going to result too consistently in an actually balanced map, and ML will be unimaginably worse at creating a map for ladder’s use cases.


yeah that makes sense, I figured it was something like that.

I legitimately hate how damaging AI has actually been to so many industries, and it’s only getting worse.

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