Harstem just beat grandmaster players with 65 APM

And of course he does it with protoss. Considering APM = skill and that protoss clearly needs less APM to win, that means protoss players are less skilled.

Imagine doing this with bio terran or zerg.


:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:


It is a random Top 50 GM. And he went super turtle into Sky-Toss. Every terran could do the same with Battlecruiser.

Btw: I think Beastyqt had an old video on yt where he beat a GM with 75-80 APM and Terran Bio.

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Ohhhh. I guess the lag cheaters have actually the Most Skill ever seen.

Me using rapid fire on movement action to get 8000 APM


Winter also had some low apm bronze to GM challenge. A solid GM player shouldnhavr no problems in beating people with random stuff, I once saw reynor holding and winning with pure ling 95% of the game in zvt at 6k+ mmr.

In that video Harstem was playing low GM players, he had like 500-600 more mmr,thats a big difference.Reynor said it,even if you are 6k player you can be bad,so imagine you are at 5,5k or around that level,you are GM but will lose to carrier rush as T. I once saw golden beating a 5,5k zerg with BC rush and only clicking with the mouse and the other hand touching his head.


Watching Serral dispatch a 6.5k Skytoss (EU) with Ling/Bling less than a month ago I agree 500-600mmr is pretty substantial especially at GM lvl.

So true! People are to dense to understand that even “not all APM are equal”. What one is capable to do with a certain APM is maybe more important than the absolute APM of the said player.
Those morons are those that refuse to take into account the MPG (mile per gallon) of their vehicle.
One can cover 100 KM with a bike using 10L of gas but less than a single kilometer with a heavy tank.
Two protossers with equal APM give battle to a terran: the first uses precisely a couple of Disruptors and dispatches the terran to this forum to whine, the other. using the exact APM uses the Novas just 1 second earlier or latter and…loses the game.


Here you go boss. I created a challenge for people just like you. We’re going to let you rapid fire as much as you want but the program will lock you out of your keyboard until your average APM comes back down below the allowed threshold of 1/4 as much APM as you normally have. We will see if you can maintain your original win-rate. Are you ready to start the challenge? Post 30 replays to sc2replaystats so we can establish your current APM and win-rate. I will send you a link to the program which caps your APM. You will need to post the replays so we can verify you ran the program and we can see if your win-rate increased or decreased.

A lot of people claim to have completed this challenge and I highly doubt that they did. They may have kept their average APM for the entire game at 75, but that’s with doing almost nothing in the early game then going over that limit at critical moments in the game. So to truly test these people, they need to complete the same challenge but with an APM limiting program that will lock them out of their mouse/keyboard if they go above the allowed APM at any point throughout the game. As far as I am concerned, and as far as any rational person ought to be concerned, no player has completed a low APM challenge unless they were to use a program strictly enforcing the APM limits. All other challenges are patently invalid.


I doubt as bio you can do 70 apm sorry

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I’d say there is a 99.99999% chance he was going way over 70 apm during the battles then deliberately doing nothing in the slow parts of the game to keep his overall average lower.

Data points that are deliberately manipulated ARE NOT indicative of the behavior of a natural data set. Yes, you can rapid fire movement commands. No, this doesn’t happen in the real world. It’s like saying airplanes can’t fly because a pilot could deliberately crash the plane into the ground. It takes legit brain damage to believe garbage like that.




That was a waste of time for the entire human race. 3,000 views at 45 seconds is 37.5 hours wasted.

Yes, of course. He did peak very hard in the fights but did nearly nothing in between. It was just the average apm. Never said anything else. The same goes for the harstem games from this thread. I am with you: I don’t think a real under 100pm challenge is possible on gm level.

But I think winter did a under 100pm run to gm a time ago. If I remember correctly he nearly managed to do it but was not able to hold the 100pm threshold during fights with focus fire and warp ins and macro during the fights etc.

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A true 70 apm’r couldn’t magically have 500 apm during the most critical parts of the game. To beat a 70 apm challenge it would have to be enforced by a program that locks them out of their mouse and keyboard to keep their APM low. Even that doesn’t properly approximate it since you’d still have a significant reaction speed advantage over a true 70 APM player. You couldn’t do more than 70 actions a minute, but you could spend those apm’s a lot faster which wouldn’t be possible. To make it a real 70 apm challenge, the program has to enforce a reaction speed delay. If you fire off a command too fast before the previous one, it will delay your command.

Anyone who thinks they can get to GM under those circumstances is brain dead. APM has a correlation with win-rate of 0.65. The majority of the stratification across the ladder is due to APM and APM alone.

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Sure. I am completely with you. Actually I would like to see something like that. Some (semi)-pros with such a APM-delimiter in a 100 APM tournament.

The usual BatZ’s drivel. Even a 40APM player during fights with maxed armies peaks to 400-500APM during the fight.
Your challenge to eliminate the peaks is as pointless as air-to-air missiles for…submarines.
Are not you a little embarrassed by the amount of stupidities and asinine arguments that you spew non-stop?
Generally when people speak of APM or SPM they mean the average taken during the whole game.

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One would think that an expert in mathematics,rockets,economics,geopolitics,psichology and basket weaving should know that.

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Don’t forget that the blowhard (pompous windbag) has called psychology a pseudo-science (while still professing himself an expert in psychology), and mathematics antiquated because…the number Pi is a …transcendental number.