Hallucination units do real damage against units hit by Raven's AAM

If some units were hit by a Raven’s Anti-Armor Missile, their armor were reduced by 3 and may become negative. Any non-spell attack would do extra damage against those affected units.
However, if the attacker is a hallucination unit created by Sentry, whether it may be probe, immortal or void ray, they all DO REAL DAMAGE against such units hit by AAM. If the target unit has 0 armor, it becomes -3 armor after hit by AAM, and it will receive 3 damage per hit from hallucination. 2-armor units would receive 1 damage per hit. 3-armor units will not be affected since their armor is 0 after hit by AAM.
If the target unit is a Protoss unit, it will lose BOTH shield and health at same time from hallucination attacker. The target Protoss unit still do regenerate shield at same moment, but if its shield is depleted first, the hallucination unit may do double damage against it after it regenerate 1 shield.

I learned this bug from a Chinese forum and the one who first reported also made a video about it: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av90653570 . I just reported it in Bug Report section.
This bug has almost 0 effect for 1v1, and probably some effect in team game but it may requires too many energy for such small damage. However it is still a bug and need a fix.


Holy freaking crap lol.


Holy freaking crap lol.


What in the world?


i dont think they should remove this, it actually sounds like it could be a cool gimmick in team games. then again blizzard hates fun so they probably will.


wow i just tested it out in the unit editor, i made sentries and ravens on one team and a bunch of archons on the other team, this combo doesnt do a small amount of damage and the colossus killed them very quickly

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Who wants to start a 2v2 Meme Team based around this strat


Kudos for chinese community. They are the best in finding bugs.


me, that sounds awsome

This is epic. Keep it as feature :smiley:

Yet another “bug” that is really just a giant shadow balance patch. Neeb rode the oracle DPS “bug” to 3 WCS victories. How long did the broodlord range “bug” exist and how many tournaments did it affect?

One bug is one bug. Two bugs is two bugs. A bug is a weird glitch that doesn’t really do anything useful. What about when 50 “bugs” all happening each with precise and great impact on balance?

How long until people realize that blizzard is shadow-balancing the game?


Pretty much how the world is run these days. Democrats roll out a voting app with a WEiRd BuG that ruins the primary results in Iowa, and when the smoke clears, somehow the polished, establishment-favored candidate comes out in first place.

If you can’t win fair and square, rig the results to get the desired outcome. Blizzard has their fingers on the scale of sc2, just like the establishment and their cronies do in US politics.


This is hilarious.
It’s not HUGE, as you don’t usually AAM your own stuff, but yeah, there ya go xD

I guess hallucinated units don’t do “no” damage, they do 0 damage. And because AAM affects armour, which is a flat +3 damage to each attack hitting an affected unit… you can make fake units hurt stuff.

Should PROBABLY be removed, but yeah, very funny.


Right, because protoss players are well known for using AAM on enemy armies.

Oh wait. They literally cant. It only shows up in one matchup when a terran accidentally hits their own units.


Sounds fun and fair. Finally a bug that gives protoss an actual advantage


Thirded. My brain just exploded

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Oh lol, this is hillarious


This is fascinating. However it should be fixed.


may i ask how this negatively effects the game or balance?

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dont be an idiot and disrespect one of the best players in the world by calling him a ‘patch’ protoss. that is beyond stupid. we cannot take anything you say seriously after saying something as idiotic as this.

Bless, some hidden balance that favors protoss against the almighty raven!!!

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