Hackers are still here

i would like everyone to recoqnize the fact that the ladder is full of map hackers who have constant map vision. there hasnt been major update to anti-hack in ages making it so simple and easy to provide hacks for this old game.

the game is also free, making it sure that the anti hack team has long ago stopped updating it.


Maybe you advice replay? No? You just complain then


Mods donā€™t like it when you post replay.


why not? then the guy could get immediately banned for his map hacking

Welp he sure on he s opinion anyway

Itā€™s considered a call out, which is against the forum rules. The only permitted way to report is privately. Either in-game (which is best), or by sending as much info/details to hacks@blizzard.com.


And i would add that in 99.9% of the cases the charge is unfounded. Itā€™s a fashion now to accuse a better player as maphacker.


Indeed. Thatā€™s one of the driving forces behind the rule.


I see thank you. But not only map hack is an issue unit splitting and A.I. targeting hacks as well

Yeah is the way blizzard say: hey dont post evidence of people hacking we dont like that. We are not going to solve the issue anyway but we dont want to be exposed.

Thatā€™s it ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ this is blizzard at its finest


The amount of actual hackers is incredibly small. Iā€™ve literally never run into one. That being said Iā€™ve been accused a couple times in game of being a maphacker because I scouted and responded to what I scouted; which is frankly what I assume happens in most ā€œmaphackingā€ cases.


I got hackused for taking a fast thirdā€¦ in a ZvT.


Well yeah, everyone knows the only way to take a third is with hacks.


Not exactly, Raynor.

The issue is not with those who actually are hacking; itā€™s with those who arenā€™t. If calling out hackers were allowed, it would permit players to falsely accuse those they wish to smear. Since that specifically canā€™t be prevented, no call outs are allowed at all.

Besides, I pointed above out the two proper ways that Bliz provides for presenting evidence.

As for solving the issue, just like the antivirus industry, itā€™s never going to be solved. There will always be new hacks made when old ones are dealt with.


Check Winters youtube guys.

we got hacker spotted!

activision owns blizzard and they dont care as long as they make money with warchest. after this year it wont support esports.


Yeah I remember that was the excuse, but I do not know if you remember when people where allowed to post replays and say that they played against a possible hacker, many members of the community reviewed the replays and they came up with a conclusion that is a hacker or a possible hacker, or is not. Basically the community was doing Blizzards job, the only thing that blizz should do is review those replays that community pointed out they could be hackers, and ban the player. But today as game is free it does not matter if hackers are banned they will create new accounts. At the end blizz allows hackers.


Honestly Iā€™ve played a lot and I really encountered like around 3 hackers for the whole time, which as percentage is so small it doesnā€™t deserve to be discussed. On the other hand Iā€™ve been called hacker by numerous players who just lost because of obvious mistakes. Man I remember one player who flew through 3 overlords and then called me hacker when his drop failed.


I got called a hacker today because I walled off against a ling flood. Itā€™s amazing what passes for hacking today. In my day you had to likeā€¦actually use hacks.


That certainly is a drawback to a free game. However, Bliz hasnā€™t done nothing. They havenā€™t stepped away to let any hacker in unimpeded.

They put restrictions in place to mitigate hackers from simply making new accounts and jumping back in. It certainly doesnā€™t stop all hackers, but neither did having to buy SC2.

There are hacks. There is a guy on TL who made a post about it. He got some, just to show us.

It is pathetic how some people donā€™t scout and hard counter you. Intercept drops and so on.