Guess who wins the game - creep spread edition

Ex: 5.7k terran losing his entire mineral line to 8 roaches.

Hey batz why no replay man?

It’s fun to watch the forum whiners struggle with understanding the game from the Zerg’s perspective. I happen to think tournaments ought to be cast from the players’ perspectives and not a spectator / all-seeing perspective.

at posting replays everytime they cry about another race being more favoured than theirs on starcraft 2 forums.

After 20 000 wasted posts an old dog doesn’t ever learn new tricks does he?

Man you’re so ez.

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Cant believe u still find a zerg whining about bio terran when this strat has been nerfed into oblivion since hots. I guess youdbe happy when u can amove cost efficiently few lings banes off creep vs a terran spliting decently.


List even 1 nerf bio has recieved. I’ll wait.

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Firebat has to be build at factory instead of Barrack.
You have to build starport to heal marine.
It’s a nerf when transition from SC1 to SC2.

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You the real adNap right? xD
The one on twitch.

……Ever heard of apologetics?

Yeah, if the devil actually existed and he said that of Christians (at least the young Earth Creationist crowd) he would be right.

That’s such a weak argument it’s not even a defense.

makes sense, to compare two different games…

That’s as low gm as it gets lol
oh wait na server standards
anyways these posts are great to manipulate low level players into agreeing with you,but everyone who understands the game just a bit knows that your pictures tell barely half of the full story


In function, these units are the same as SC1 (Hellbat to roast any light frontline units and Medivac is to heal). SC2 is literally SC1 with many patches and mechanics change. If Blizzard rename SC2 into SC1 patch 9.001, it would totally work(But they didn’t because separate it into 2 games yield more profit). I mean, that is literally how WOL get to LotV (new units, new mechanics, new nerf/buff, gameplay change). Yea, we don’t compare LotV balance to WoL balance but can we talk about nerf/buff from that patch to this patch? Of course, we can.
This is why it counts that Bio received a nerf during the transformation from SC1 → SC2.

Now, it is not like I am promoting a buff to Terran Bio but giving them firebat/medic would be good idea, yes?
Never understand why they didn’t do that.

the terran is floating almost 2k gas at the end of it. wut

Welcome back… to another episode of… BROOOOONNNNZEEEEE LEAGG… Another game of Starcraft.

It’s not unusual at all for Terran to float gas even on pro level. You don’t use much of it as game goes on.

Send the eplay to Harstem and let him decide if T is imba or you are bad.


sry, but this is wrong. hellbats in sc1 were bio, yes. they were used as an addition to marines/medics. hellbats in sc2 on the other hand, are more than half of their lifetime hellions, which are used for harrass/mapcontrol. so theyve got a whole new role in the game.

same goes for medics/medivacs. yes, both heal. BUUUUUT, the game changer here is that medivacs can fly, so they open up a COMPLETELY different playstyle with drops everywhere around.

and tbh, you can find examples for this with every race because… well… as i said, its another game, so comparing units 1on1 doesnt make any sense.

And that’s the point. You should read the entire thing before comment. My goal is to provide one proof of how did the BIO got nerf and I provided the guy one. Anything else is irrelevant.

Like WoL and LotV?
Yea sure. But the point still stand, we don’t talk about balance but in nerf/buff perspective, it is valid.
If you are too lazy to read, here TL;DR From SC1 → SC2 is just a bigger version of WoL transition to LotV.
We do not talk about balance because they are different but in the context of providing “Tell me one nerf the Bio get”, it is a valid answer.

That’s not what happened. Zerg MASSIVELY underdroned the first few minutes to get the contain.

At 2:30, Zerg has 21 workers to Terran’s 29 and was earning almost 500 less per minute.

At 2:40, Zerg has pulled away all gas mining but is still 6 workers behind. He’s now earning the same as Terran with MULEs.

3min is the first time zerg has equal workers to Terran. He is ahead in mining because of more bases. But he is massively behind in gas and so cannot tech up.

3:20, Zerg has again fallen 5 workers behind due to harass. Income drops to less than 400/min. And because zerg isnt mining any gas, he doesn’t have tech to stop higher level harass.

It is at this point that you call it “4 base zerg”.

This “4 base zerg” has 29 workers on minerals. Literally doesnt even have enough drones for pure 2-base mineral saturation.

It’s not 4 base zerg. It’s “almost 2-base” zerg with 2 macro hatches committing heavily to units. And predictably, this 2-base zerg is already mining more than 1-base Terran, EXCEPT again, it’s gasless. So he’s behind in tech in the early game.

3:47, 9 drones behind at 29 workers. Still hasn’t even saturated second base.

4 minutes, 3 drones behind at 37 workers. 1-gas mining. Has finally hit 2-base economy. However BY THIS TIME, Terran has already broken the contain and is on second base. In other words, what should have been a 4 minute economy lead is now EVEN because Zerg refused to drone, refused to mine gas, and is on low tech.

What SHOULD have been a massive lead was squandered for 4 minutes straight. Eek.

Around 4:13 is the FIRST time zerg pulls ahead of 2-base economy (32 on minerals, 6 on gas). So this is basically the first time zerg actually pulls ahead of Terran in economy. I don’t know about you, but if I was behind in economy for 7 or 8 minutes straight (since you played at 2x speed), and had lower tech, and my army was split up, I would be very effing worried.

Because Terran was ahead in eco for so long, Terran could afford to trade units in the early game and still be even. The problem was that Zerg did not cement his lead by droning hard when Terran couldn’t push out.

Another drone count at 6:40. 63 drones on 3 bases with 5 gases. This is a good lead, but I wonder if it’s too little too late. This still isn’t “4 base zerg”. You never had “4 base zerg”.

Heck you’ve only had this lead for a couple minutes despite Terran having the economy lead for the majority of the game. By this time, Terran has been forced to plunk the majority of his resources into army, so I think by this time, Terran is forced to go for the massive push. All you need to do is to survive the push, since after the havoc you wreaked at Terran base in 7:20 Terran wouldn’t have any ability to push out again.

Unfortunately most of the army that has the potential to fight against marine tank was lost in the huge clash in 8:20. It’s not merely a matter of trading even, it’s that the units that you traded (the ravagers) were the ones you needed to fight the rest of the army. Kinda like if I traded mass queens against a hellbat push, but since I ran out of queens I couldn’t stop the double BCs that jump into my base.

There were a lot of nice moves after that but unfortunately the rest of it just goes down to the micro of the last fight. gg


Wait a second. 100+ posts and nobody looked at the drone / income counts in the early game? Because that’s a silver league zerg lesson. In Zerg you’re not ahead until you’re actually measurably ahead. You don’t just assume you’re ahead because you have more hatcheries.

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