Guess which race

Yes it can, it was in a mostly good spot in hots and instead of just giving back upgrades on gauss rifle (8 dmg) they went and added aa rockets (14 dmg) that nobody even asked for. They also decided it was a good idea to give back 9 range neural and add burrow cast on top. If blizzard didn’t turbobuff IT’s and neural beyond what any zerg player even asked for we’d still have IT’s in the game.

Let us never talk about bringing free units back to the game. SH is the next thing that should be removed or extremely nerfed.

If the raven cannot come back. None off those types of units should be in the game.

Pro players seem to be in agreement even some zerg players as well that infested terran removal was a good thing for the game.

If you where to buff zergs late game for pvz that could potentially be too strong for tvz, my point is you cant just buff something for 1 matchup without thinking of its consequenses in the other like the queen range being buffed for archon drops restricting terran alot in tvz.


Wouldnt it be better for all players if zerg relied on units instead of energy to win late game fights?

Also sitting behind unbreakable spore forrests while building energy on 20-40 infestors was not fun for anyone except maybe the zerg players.

Infested terran only worked if you spammed them, if you only had 2-3 infestors spawning maybe 4-8 infested terrans they usually did nothing.


Who’s to say IT’s w/o rockets would be relied on to win lategame fights?

The issue im refering to is that there has never been a point in sc2 where zergs have used infested terrans against late game armies without relying on mass infestors and as a skill it has never been in a good spot similar to spells like current fungal where its used from a few infestors to support your units every now and then instead of just using energy to kill enemy units without any danger of losing resources yourself.

If they couldnt get it to a point in 10 years where most of the community including top players of all races agreed it was a good spell then its probably better to remove it and look for answers elsewhere for zerg lategame if needed (like current pvz).


But they could find an answer, I just said what it is and they never even bothered testing it. Instead of just finding a middle ground they decided to delete IT. Why not same for auto-turret?

I’m sure non Zergs are very happy about it.

Banshees, liberators, BCs, drop play… all of it was completely viable at every point in the last few years. If Terrans really thought queen range was too good they wouldn’t invest in air units in the early game but they always did.

Right now I don’t even know what late game ZvT is. It’s basically just midgame armies throughout the game with some vipers.

That is his american server account. His nick literally means “The American”

Imagine having to l2p and blaming the game mechanics. lmao

Like forum Terrans on ladder?

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It is the only fault of protoss LUL.

I think VR only needs a small nerf to their acceleration so that bile working better against them.

Biles don’t work against a player who pays attention to their void rays

The slower the acceleration, the harder it is to dodge bile. And voids cannot attack while dodging, that would cause a lot of down time. Slowing the acceleration down to a degree, then good players will start spreading their voids against ravagers to cut the down time.

It’s not for a-moving. It’s so HT’s don’t keep wandering out to the front lines and getting sniped. Ghosts don’t do that.

This would be like everytime a tech lab or reactor was done, you had to go back to it and click on connect or some dumb thing. Just get over it.

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Mass caster is a problem. You should not be able to deal with any army simply by massing casters and spamming a spell; but this is exactly what Infested Terran and Seeker Missiles (which was also removed) allowed. There is a critical mass the casters must reach before the tactic becomes viable, but after the initial critical mass is reached the player is incentivized to keep massing as many casters as possible to ensure that they always have energy for that spell, and always have enough casts to kill off any army they come across.

Adjusting the stats of a massable spell like IT or Seeker Missiles cannot fix the problems with that spell. It only increases or decreases the critical mass of casters needed before the problem starts to grow exponentially out of control. There is no balance point where a massable spell would be satisfactory as a support spell without encouraging the player to mass the caster as its own army.


Literally a-moving, you know what units do do that? Raven, infestor, viper.

Get over the fact that your race is so easy its gm apm is lower than zergs ins masters.

Edit: Also by that logic we should give zerg auto creep spread and auto-inject and you can just get over it :smiley:

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  1. No it is not.
  2. You can deal with it with more supply efficient ghosts/ht.
  3. Seeker missile is not the same as IT, you can kill IT before it does any damage and this can easily be done by all races with the amount of ground splash available by the time mass IT’s become possible.
  4. You can say a critical mass is required for a strategy to be viable for literally anything.
  5. As mentioned before, ghost, ht, and ground splash all destroy IT spam.
  6. Auto-turret still exists and IT doesn’t, proof that middle ground can exist for problematic spell. In fact auto-turret was even more egregious design as it could control entire areas of the map for minutes at a time.
  7. You can very easily have a balanced version if IT, it’s called not increasing it’s air damage by 80-110%.

Viper and Raven can fly. Infestor can burrow move.

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