Guess we’re not getting our bi-annual blue post

It’d be nice to at least keep with tradition and have something pop up like, “Hey, we’re working on something but we can’t say what it is yet.” I’m sure that the fear of Co-op just not Being supported anymore and them just not telling us is fairly common.


I’d say that’s more the main plot of coop forum lolz.

Every 5 months of nothingness the posts start, and I don’t blame anyone, cause they go REAL radio silent way too often.

yep, thats exactly my fear.

I mean, im level 801 :smiley: i have no clue on how to survive the last 199 levels without anything fresh added into the game…


Considering co-op is more popular than melee, I’m sure they are still supporting it.

Maybe they are working on some big secret co-op project

probably another karax rework, where he gets 50% more toughness for only 30% more costs


Additive or multiplicative :stuck_out_tongue:

it’ll probably be something dumb again like maybe all units are built 70% quicker, but also cost 50% more supply lol


Did you not just see the MASSIVE Map Editor update they just dropped this week?

The developers are busy working on actual things. They don’t need to drop in here every month to give you a pat on the head and say “things are coming don’t worry.”

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On top of this, isnt the 10th anniversary of Wings of Liberty in like a week? Theyre probably going to wait for closer to then to announce anything.


From what I heard, Blizzard is participating in China Joy 2020 exhibition in 29th of July to 3rd of August.
Maybe they will unveil their new contents for 10th Anniversary by then.
They might give a teaser before that though, they sure did with Tychus (by showing Joey’s Bar).

I hope the staff are very well prepared against COVID-19. Exhibitions these days are like disease party.

Blizzard attempted a beta version of similar to this while they were making Starcraft: Ghost but it was cancelled with it. (corrected)

My apologies I worded it wrong. In 2002, Blizzard attempted to make Starcraft: Ghost which was an adventure/shooter game. Apparently they made a side feature which plays similar to Facing World. Unfortunately it was ultimately put it in “indefinite hold” in 2006.

I can’t check, so if someone can list the relevant parts, I’d be much obliged.

Here it is:

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They basically implemented WC3 in SC2 editor.
I have no idea why they did that, but people been speculating interesting things.

This is great news, if they are making such major engine level changes the game definitely isn’t dead yet. And the new map editor features are far more useful for Co-op (or even a new game mode) than Versus.


FIFTEEN CLIFF LEVELS what the heck!?


Maybe they’re hoping for a fan-made SC2 version of Facing Worlds?
Nicer pics here:

They’ve also got Shallow and Deep Water, which could be quite interesting for Co-op missions. Or ladder maps.

While the (improved) Map Editor may be an indicator of new features coming to ladder or co-op, it does seem like they’re pandering for more user-submitted content in the Arcade, as they sunset certain parts of SC2 development.

I’d expect at least 1-2 more missions though. Surely that’s easier than a new commander.

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It’s been a bit more than five months m8. We haven’t heard anything since Mengsk dropped last year so closer to 9 months.

Yeah, it takes so long and soooo much effort to make a forum post or a tweet about anything anywhere to keep the community engaged.

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You’re wrong. Stickied posts shows the February post.