GSL Ro4 results

Yeah thats why the Top 5 players are all Terran and Zerg. Because all Protoss players are bad and the race is OP… and the best players are not playing the strongest race despite hundreds of thousands of dollars being on the line… wait what?


Stats really improved recently. Well mostly his pvz. Also I doubt he would be about #50 if he picked terran. Does anyone know if he streams and if yes,does he play terran sometimes, like for example parting does? Nvm found his twitch…no videos found

So what is stopping you? Your refusal to play Protoss is just enabling you to continue to whine. I had 27% PvZ. So instead of whining, I switched to Zerg and tried to see how the other race lives. And it gave me a lot more perspective. Dont know if it really helped my PvZ but defintely gave me good perspective and cured my inferiority complex from Zerg players about “how much better Zerg players are” while also giving me even greater respect for what the top Zergs like Serral can do. Plan to do the same for Terran if I can find the time.

Cheesetown at least tried to play Protoss. I think he kind of liked, not sure how it all turned out in the end. You should seriously try it and see if the grass really is greener.

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TY was interviewed a few weeks ago and was asked why he picked Terran. He said with a yellow grin that he picked Terran instead of Protoss because he had a sense of honor. Saddly for him, that honor cost him thousands of dollars. Same for most top terrans probably. They developed so much more skill because their race is much weaker. They needed to develop more to be competitive. It’s evolution.

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I played Protoss and found it to be way too easy to play and unfun.

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Stats, that mid tier protoss player
-random forum poster,2020-

I already forgot the dumb dude who said it, but will nerver forget the phrase.


Oh it was easy huh? What league did you get to? If it was easy I am expecting at least masters.

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Just ignore ShiaLaBeouf, one of the whinest TCF on this forum

When you see PeekaChi, ShiaLaBeouf , ChessTown, and barcode
just flag their post as trolling

#ProtossLivesMatter #PLM


Most of the time when the person say they tried the race is just playing less than 50 games at a lower level than the main race so even if you are new, you are mechanically better than your enemies, and usually, mostly short cheesy games.

Yeah, thats what I expect.

To be clear for me though, I actually got to a higher level in D2 than I was with Protoss. Not saying Toss < Zerg or anything but Zerg actually gelled with me better and part of that is I knew how to be abusive with it. Especially speedlings. Speedlings are SOOOOOOO good. When properly used, one of the best units in the game. Ravagers too, but I admit I am not that good with them. Ravager control is what makes Serral so frightening. And also obviously banelings although banelings are actually very micro intensive and need a lot of skill to be used properly.

Edit: Full disclosure, I do prefer shorter cheesier games as Zerg. Ling/baneling busts and roach/ravager busts followed by ling floods are my bread and butter. Favorite match is ZvZ for that reason.

I got higher than my Terran. I got to diamond 1 with Protoss. Didn’t feel like grinding for master because it was too easy

Whatever, prove it.

20 char

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Time for you pitiful terrans to adapt and make new meta. No more straps that have been viable since WOL. Use your brains for a change. Stats is better than TY. Maru is a lame patch terran. Clem is nothing yet. Learn something new instead of complaining. :cactus:

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How can I ? Wanna play ur Terran or zerg versus my Protoss ?

At least his profile shows 7 games as protoss :muscle:


Not that it would prove it anyway, but it certainly wouldnt prove you can get masters if you beat me. Like I said, my highest ever was D2. I am a casual player that prefers watching to playing.

You know what he will say next?

“My terran honor prevents me to use an easy race to stomper”

#ProtossLivesMatter #PLM

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I don’t understand why TY didn’t cheese when down 2-3. He was clearly at a disadvantage in long macro games.

That is enough to make him an expert.

I guess I’ve got no way to prove besides grinding on this account…