Gsl - a balance discussion

I remember a ZvZ vs two top Zerg. It was before nyndus nerf, there were like 30 nyndus attempts in this game, and all of them were defended.
But protoss skillcap always have been a joke compared to the others. As Z or T, you make a mistake you immediatly lose the game. Toss is different, you can make 5 mistakes, get behind, and come back with storm tech, or DT, or an invincible deathball and win at the end.
So why having perfect map awareness when you can still be a professionnal protoss without ?
In WOL, at least, protoss was the race of the perfect forcefields. You had to have epic forcefield landing to be GM/pro. Now, sometimes i watch a top protoss and have to ask myself what he is doing better than a diamond player.


Protoss as a race is quite clearly designed to have a lower skill floor which also handicaps it at the highest levels. Well that was the case until recently, where they buffed it to where the low skill cieling yields better performance than the high skill cieling of T/Z. Thatā€™s why a Zerg can make a minor mistake, lose all his infestors to a single disruptor hit and instantly lose the game. But the Protoss can a-click his entire army and lose it all for free and be like :man_shrugging: and play a 35 minute macro game.

The low skill floor made it easy to play protoss but made protoss bad at high levels, so blizzard just said ā€œbad at high levels now wins tournamentsā€.

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Somehow there are those that still den that protoss is the lowr skill race

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