Give senser tower more abiltys

it use to show a changeling it should see barrowed and clocked to

but not reveal then like u still need a scan if clocked

the changeling 1 is bad

While visible by actual sight, Changelings were never exposed by Sensor Towers, even in Wings of Liberty.

I feel like this just invalidates these as mechanics too effectively. Scanner sweep already does a very good job of making cloaked units not feel great to use at all, and not having to ‘guess’ where they are if you’re not actually building a proper detector is … extremely difficult?

I’ve never ever felt like I didn’t know where a cloaked or burrowed unit was after it did any damage, and being able to stop them before dealing damage kind of invalidates a decent amount of the price of Dark Templar and slowness of Roaches and the both-aspects of Infestors?

Changelings are vision. Every race has the ability to get vision really cheaply, and there’s a reason for this - having some vision - not all - is extremely good for allowing better players to win more because there are more axes by which they can better-player the opponent - ex. deny vision / strategic planning, always be in position to stymie aggression, capitalize on move-outs with drops or backdoor flanks.

I don’t see how this is more egregious than, say, Hallucination’s affordability, Revelation’s length, Scanner Sweep being global range, or Creep Tumors’ spread; nor why the Sensor Tower should be a counter to the Changeling.

im pretty sure changeling was shown on mini map with senser tower as a enemy unit and since patch now its not means nydys becomes to op for team games to and in 1v1 late game

we will give cannon a aim and kill for changeling and a spore can show them to make it fairer

or even an upgrad from the engernering bay so it works like the way i said for senser tower

Changeling shows up enemy unit it morphs only stealth detection it change its hue.

Terran don’t need more ways to detect stealth.