GG Blizzard, Too many nerfs to Protoss

Well that’s it for me. This game is just too imbalanced against Protoss at higher levels. Either I do a cheese build to win or just get completely crushed by EMP and Anti-Armor missiles with mass MMM. Can’t storm cause of EMP, no energy for ANY of my units thanks to EMP. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING I have can combat EMP and interference matrix/anti-armor.

Then we have zerg who will have a 200/200 army within the 7-8 minute mark just completely crushing your army with lurkers.

Yeah this game is completely dead thanks to the braindead idiots at blizzards balance team. Too many nerfs to Protoss and this is what you get. GG Blizzard


Don’t wanna be too rude but if you’re diamond you’re not high level

The bare minimum for being on the lowest “higher” \ semi-pro level used to be at least 5500 mmr
I have no idea how is that even possible to be a diamond when you played 8k games and the ladder is dead

Hoe u lying with that? A prtoss can’t win vs emp and armor. Sure thing. Just spam storm add disruptor. A prot struggling against t is a rare joke n u Shud feel bad if Terr is ur prob


Imagine emp removed from the game. How could terran even get close to protoss army ? Emp is the only thing that gives terrans a chance to engage protoss army properly.

Funny thing is when EMP is cast on right protoss units - only then terran has a chance to wipe out protoss army and still it is not guaranteed win. I’ve seen many TvPs when terran landed decent emps and still lost because of enormous survivability and damage output of protoss army.


That’s my personal exp too. These protoss trolls think we play in their silver league and never build a factory or starport and never use EMp or that we don’t know u need to try zero the templar.

But what u say happens anyway


lol, imagine crying about pvt, saying terran is too strong these days, what rock have you been under ?

like it’s obviously a learn to play issue, since the rest of protoss are absolutely laughing in our faces recently. poor ghandi, sucks at the most preforming race.


protons get all the buff and u still r whinging

Protoss gets most nerf

Have you tried building disruptors instead of templar? Honestly, I have a 80% PvT winrate as Toss at 4750 MMR, I’m beating Terran players I’ve lost to with Terran and I play vanilla macro Protoss (2 gate blink). How do you lose TvP as a Protoss main?

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Hmmm so when someone is rational, you cry, but when someone cries, your response is rather tame. Wouldn’t expect anything more from someone who rallies behind the resident clown.

On a more serious note, even colossus does the trick at diamond levels against Terran (stalkers should be plenty to prevent easy interference matrix on colossus). Also, I’m surprised no one has called this out yet:

It’s not possible for Zerg to max out with lurker by 7-8 minute mark, and it doesn’t happen in general unless you leave the Zerg uncontested.

Proof that the TCF only comes around when there’s drama (same for Zerg supporters). I’m disappointed that there’s not a single soul on here that equally calls :poop: out when they see it.

What is your schizo mind on? Do you think I’m somebody on an alt?

No, I’m just recalling a thread where you made this exact same insult, but in a completely different context.

I was having a relatively tame discussion with another person, but you decided to hop out of nowhere and start calling everyone schizophrenics. Meanwhile here, you’re being fairly calm. And when I scroll through your posts, I see that at least a few aren’t full of delusion. Good job

I thought you were a complete puppet, but at least you have some independent thought.

You say that as if a single blizzard employee is even looking at Starcraft at all let alone these forums

Calling people schizophrenics isn’t crying, thanks.

The longest arguments I’ve gotten into here are with Terran players.

Every high tournament game i’m seeing is TVT ZVT or ZVZ…if a Protoss player actually does make it, he is dominated in the game. No Protoss player has won a tournament in years. The race has been heavily nerfed for no reason (observer speeds, upgrade times) and all other races buffed just because of players not actually using everything in their arsenal.

What are Disruptors going to do against Interference Matrix and stimmed MMM? Everything the Protoss race can make is easily countered with 2 abilities from Terran. EMP and Interference Matrix.

Yes a zerg player can and will be at 200/200 supply within the 7-8 minute mark (no not all lurkers, I NEVER said the army is pure lurkers). Just the simple fact that they can get to that is just absurd and shows how imbalanced this game is. Starcraft 1 was and is the most balanced game I have ever seen, yet could a zerg player do that in BW? EMP was also perfectly balanced in Starcraft 1 as it did NOT affect your ENTIRE army like it does now.

This game is horribly balanced against Protoss forcing players to do stupid builds like proxy void rays and cannons. If you do not play that way you WILL automatically lose the game.

Also all of the reply’s are from Terran players or players who are not yet ranked.

Two things:

Either you are a troll or you are the worst protoss player on the planet. Yes in Top 25 GM all the things you’ve mentioned allow terrans beat protosses, but they require god- like mechanics. In anything below top 25 GM, terran is easily dominated by toss and i guess you do not belong to top 25 GM or do you ?

Just open proxy SB-void, or 2 gate to put some pressure, or 4 gate blink and you win like 95 % of the time.

Paraphrased: Toss got overbuffed to insanity in 2018 why can’t we keep it??

Emp insta win?? Lmao idk how you play protoss but it must be terrible to lose when few storm spam and it’s over. If even lower league than you manage to cast storms that turn game imagine your skillz

All 2018 balance was forcing toss to make:

  • proxy sb void ray or tempest
  • dts
  • prism immortal drops
  • mass air

So how was to optoss any less lame? Remember dragoon stalkers damage?

I was posting with my main you know before it got trolled to 3019.

There’s been a recent patch nerfing protoss?
When this happen?

Don’t lie lying is bad mkay.

I was 4 times master and i played just faster not better like i said “don’t lie”

Game is balanced on knifes edge in pvx is if they go chease you def 2 base and prepare warp prism so that you can counterattack or send zealots in their main if they have second wave and this is why both sides have feelings that game is unfun or imba.
Terran lets toss get to mid game charge and storm, terran gets to late game emp with CLOACKED AND HIGHLY MOBILE unit that have VERY BIG RADIUS thx to years of crying

So from terran you have 2 perspective:
Good players whine how game is imba or unfun cause they can’t come to late game (autowin scenario emp mass thors/cattlebruisers with superior economy)
Bad players why is my 1 base rines/marauder or rines/with something else gay not working i have rly big apm thx to spamming from racks aaaaaaaaaaaadaaaaaaaaaaad
and rly big apm thx to spaming taaaaaataaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaa when it comes to attack

From zerg side
Let’s play 8 minutes no attack pls i think it’s only fair


this is why you have so much bs from all of us

and ofc my favourite

When you pander soo much to 1 race at certain period of game that even brain damaged people can play it at fairly high lvl

One of rare situations that prove in certain cases freedom of speech was bad thing