Getting so many Mengsk partners is making power creep annoying

I am sorry but I think you are in the wrong game. Building specific comp vs a specific comp is what starcraft 2 about. It is as basic as Zealot counter Zergling or Storm counter Marine.

For that matter, every single mode exists have it. Not just Brutal+ or brutal. It is called “Hybrid”.

There is no such thing as Mutator favor the commander because every single one of them were made to make commander life harder, not easier.

That’s a shallow design, and most of why I don’t play versus.

Hybrids don’t really shake up the game, they’re just a generic enemy type that’s supposed to be associated with harder waves.

Your last sentence is a non-sequitur from what I said.

Again, I don’t see why you are insisting that mutations are the only way to make the game harder.

Not really a shallow design considering that it is one of the most popular strategy of all time.

They are literally what you call an “OP” unit. If you are calling the most “OP” unit “generic”, I don’t know what you are thinking.

Do you know why they add mastery? cuz the game is too hard for some people.
Might just me but who know?

I mean, I know that he’s a topbar based commander so his army will always feel a bit meh, but rumor has it he is the first commander to have solod brutal +6, less than 48 hours after his release.

It is true, he can solo Brutal+6 on Scythe of Amon(without bug) or Oblivion Express(with bug).
And it has nothing to do with his army. It literally stay at home and defend. The match drag very long and it is about sniping objective than actually steam rolling.

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Yes. I’m ok with a commander who has more power in his topbar than his army. If that’s not something you want, play Artanis or Nova. They work great.

Then stop complain about Mengsk have OP top bar ability.

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Hybrids are far from the scariest thing we face in co-op.

I’m pretty sure they added Masteries to satisfy players wanting more progression to work for.

Especially since only veteran players have enough Mastery to matter.

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Yes, the scariest is Mutations. Hybrid still stand as the most OP unit.

The “Progression” is not an excuse to add more power. For all we know, they can just add spray and cosmic.

Did you know that the longer the game? the harder it is to hold wave?

The issue with just throwing more units at you is that the game’s performance starts to suffer if there are too many units on the screen at once. Doubly so if there are also a bunch of mutators in play.

Amon’s late-game attack waves are already pretty huge on Brutal. If we made them even bigger and added a bunch of additional mechanics (i.e. Mutators), you could easily end up crashing the game for some people.

Good point.

Which is why I’d like to see some cool minibosses rather than mass units. We already have plenty as optional objectives. Start throwing stanks, pirate cruisers, omegalisks etc. into late game waves.


There is always option to use stronger units in enemy compositions - Ultra in 1st wave, throwing in leviathan or Loki in later waves.


Hmm. I’m not sure about stuff like pirate cruisers, which has the potential to wipe out your army if you mis-position (Or if your army gets hit with something like Ensnare or Fungal). But it might be interesting to see something a little bigger than Hybrid Behemoths and Dominators appear in late-game waves.

Or just more hybrid. Let’s be honest, how many hybrid does Amon really attack with?

Train Alpha Star to play as amon. problem solved

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To be fair - Zera has to drop 500 minerals (before Mastery) and burn a useful cooldown to get expansion up, and on certain map must rely completely on partner to defend first attack to pull it off.

Um, but Zagara doesn’t get her expo up nearly as fast as the other 3; she may be fast but she still has to actually make units.

Zeratul has to pay almost as much for the void rays as Mengsk for the CC, so he will have his expansion finished by the time the voids finish killing the rocks on Zeratul’s expo.

Classic Vorazun was nerfed, and as many have said she didn’t get free workers and depots as an added bonus.

Alot if your masteries are high.

To be fair, those voids can clear contested expansions much more consistently than 2 bunkers or 50 power zerg army. And Zeratul saves 300 minerals on 4x assimilators and another 600 minerals on probes since his autogas auto-builds for free.


The Mandate system on its own theoretically balances itself. Making the most of calldowns means making the most of blimps, which take their own supply AND force you to play safe with a full army.

The first real problem IMO is that even if Royal Guard were never intended to be a full alternative but just part of a combo, RG aren’t currently worth using at all. You’ll always have enough Workers and Troopers to generate as much Mandate as you ever can with RG. And Troopers and Medivacs prove to be a much easier and more effective use of further time and supply than RG do. I know RG are strong; I’m not saying they aren’t, just that they don’t matter even tho they should.

And I came to this conclusion while leveling. With full masteries, the gap between them - regarding both Mandate and inherent value - isn’t just maintained but actually widened.

Then I also discovered Amplified Airwaves, which, as this wording suggests, isn’t necessary in the first place. And I’m going to assume that it was meant to support RG use by generating more Mandate with less Troopers, but the truth is it only reinforces your existing use of Troopers. In fact, it’s so good at the latter that you’re able to generate more Mandate than you can even use.

I think that Amplified Airwaves should probably be completely removed. I’d like to instead see some way to buff Royal Guard based on your Mandate generation; I think this would give them a more appropriate power curve and ceiling. Mastery category 3 also needs to have a hard look taken at it - for the total power of Starting Mandate, and for the power gap between that and RG XP Gain Rate, assuming the latter can ever be viable. Something else to consider as a possible piece of this whole puzzle is nerfing the buildtime of Workers/Troopers, which at 8sec is very fast.

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