Get OC and MULE it up

Man, when I que up with Raynor I often feel like I need to prove myself because of his reputation.


I feel ya. Doesn’t help I just got his p3 and can ACTUALLY rush out BC’s. I know for certain one person left because of this, despite I had rushed out 3 OC’s before hand, and carried the early game with my calldowns, having 2 BC’s up before my banshees even flew away, to say nothing of the Hyperion still on the field fighting.

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How do you like my profile now Rick :grinning:

P3 Raynor build order for me is something like OC then CC before first supply. What I’m less sure about is if my 2nd CC should go OC before building any SCVs. Perhaps building to at least 2/3rd mineral saturation and full gas saturation first? I’ve certainly gotten better at transfering workers since I was playing a lot of Raynor.

While we’re talking about Raynor just remember that Hyperion does ~double damage while moving.

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That might be pushing it too long before OC on your expo. When you have more MULE’s, you can transfer workers to gas rather than first get to 2/3rd’s mineral and full gas saturation. Bear in mind, on your expo, 12/15 mineral workers is enough. Even 10 would do (2 SCV’s per patch). So in a way, your 2/3rd (10/15) is already optimal for mineral income vs worker spend.

Then use this to your advantage - transfer some workers over as soon as expo rocks are broken and CC is in place. Transform to OC immediately. As shown in the first post above, it puts you behind only slightly (for 35 secs) for the first MULE and immediately pays for itself for every subsequent MULE. And more MULEs+MULE time, the better.

(And remember not to queue up too many SCV’s per CC/OC. You gain nothing and lock away minerals which could be spent elsewhere. At most, queue 2 - one building and one in wait.)

Btw, your 3rd CC onwards should directly be turned into OC’s once completed, even if you aren’t fully or 2/3rd’s saturated. Use your first 2 OC’s to build SCV’s.

Someone on Reddit posted to not go crazy with OCs and MULES as well. Yes, they are crucial to Raynor’s toolbelt, but towards the end of the game, they’re not worth it since those won’t pay for themselves (again, I’ll have to leave you folks to seek that thread for the number crunching goodness)

Scan good…

Don’t mules gather 30 minerals?

I’ve been checking these information from the following sources, so I can’t say I tested in-game. Although, I doubt it is off on both sources.

I still miss Raynor’s double mules. Those were legendary.

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Gotta admit, I’m kinda excited for Raynor’s P1 because I won’t have to mess with MULEs anymore.


I mostly played Raynor P1 due to not good in. multitasking. No need to worry about forget dropping mules. Marine\marauder is so tanky, if you already at level 10 and with full upgrade, hp even higher.


More co-op players that don’t understand RTS, multi-tasking, operating on multiple fronts, the value of mules and so on. No wonder monk tried to make this into heroes of the storm.

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Liked Gansc’s post cuz at least he’s honest about it. There’s understanding something, then there’s executing it in practice, then there’s being condescending.

Just because I understand how to play like a ladder pro doesn’t mean I can execute as such, as most 99% of the player base. Then there’s some people who despite knowing these facts and despite not being a ladder pro, they feel as if somehow they did so much better. So they look down on other players on their mighty weed-induced neigh-neigh.

Really these people are just looking at themselves and insulting themselves whilst feeling mighty good about their insult.

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Why not try reading some of LilArrin’s posts about P1 vs P0 or at least prove you actually know what you’re talking about by posting your solo runs.

Comprehend the meaning of the word “degradation”. 5 years ago having a commander like Zeratul with his click to win gameplay would seem insane. Elitists were those who could split muta stack from parasitic bombs.
Now OC is elitistic… In another five years someone will make a post about using abilities of outlaws while playing Tychus or spreading stetellites, and someone will answer that this is for elitists.

Balance of the game will be based on auto-cast… Oh god no…

Lil aron and is solo runs aren’t rts either. Guy would probably qualify as bronze or silver on the ladder.

Now that’s a no, dude already knows what’s a build order and macro, he would be low diamond, struggling with scouting and cheeses at most.

Would be fine if you said that half of the entire coop player base being around gold to lower, but those who put commanders to their limits, keep money low and use hotkeys should be higher than that. Assuming he does what he does from coop to ladder.

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Almost completely meaningless for co-op. It just shows that you have practically no understanding of co-op. Next thing you’ll be telling us we should be eating oranges like apples because they’re both round fruit.

Edit: Or maybe Maru and ByuN should be lower than bronze or silver if they don’t beat LilArrin’s Raynor speedruns?!