Gateway into Warpgate, let it be manually applied

I truly believe that Terrans will never complain again if and only if:

All gateways will no longer auto-transform into warp-gate after warping in a gateway post warp-gate researched from the cyber core.

Therefore, Protoss will have to ensure that they manually convert each gateway into a warp gate. After seven seconds of just pushing one key per gateway (or all hotkeyed together), Protoss will be able to spawn via warp from that warpgate.

Again, with this adjustment, all newly spawned gateways must be manually converted into a warp gate; then Protoss can enjoy warping in from any pylon or warp prism.


By implementing this simple adjustment, Protoss players will be punished if they fail to manually convert every single gateway. Again, they will be punished if they forget to convert them into a warpgate in the heat of multitasking and macro/microing.

An upgrade as powerful as that, should come with an easy burden. Warp gate is a 50 mineral and 50 gas investment that applies to every single gateway. Injects do not do this, neither do add-ons. Contrary to the other races, this macro is automated by default. It should not be automated at all, neither should be able to be automated.

All zerg hatcheries require larvae injects via queens every rotation, and all Terran buildings go through add ons for their dual queuing or higher tech queuing, to match the alien reinforcement rates, every rotation, and every new building.

This extra seven seconds will justify Protoss having discount queue times per rotation.

There is not a single time Protoss converts a warp-gate building back into a gateway. Therefore, make it so that they are manually converted, not automatically.


I believe when this is done, Terran will never complain again. This is my suggestion so we can move on from pointless banter.

Terran and Protoss, what do you think.

When I played a PvT, I dual pronged the opponent, we had an engagement of equal supply which was both somewhat destroyed, and he won that battle. I used prism to spawn in zealots in main, and some stalkers at a pylon near the terran natural, then I attacked.

My rotation queue meets the battlefield first via warp, before his rotation queue does via ground production.

Likewise my opponent had to wait longer for his next rotation of reinforcements, which came too late. Now, if this update I have suggested occurred, and I forgot to manually convert my gateways, I am punished because I would only be able to warp in half as much, or even less, and the opponent would have won because of his macro focus and my macro failure.

Both sides should go through macro and micro challenges, and not one drop of anything macro-related should be automated once it is constructed/warped in via probe.

I am willing to have this burden, because I know there is effort put behind every strategy. How about you?


So answer this question forums

Why are protoss gateways auto-castable concerning the warp gate? Macro should not be automated. Macro must be manually applied. Every inject, every mule, every chrono boost, every add on.

Likewise, every new gateway spawned in, let it be manually converted into a warp gate.


See, the difference between transforming a warp gate and other macro mechanics is that you only have to do it once. It’s a non-issue, and this changes nothing about the state of the game. People were manually transforming every warp gate for most of SC2, and it was a non-factor in balance. Reverting a simple QoL change is silly.


LUL, this dimwit does not know that Ctrl+Left-Click one GW selects all GW’s in a whole screen? And just pressing G the transformation occur for all?
Like Asamu said this post is to say the least stupid.
Please reverse the QOL, if it will contribute to shutting up the f… mouth of those dimwits!
We even were used to rebuild manually Scarabs and Interceptors, transforming GW was an instinctive task that any Bronze Protoss learns first…

Clearly you haven’t been playing long. Because exactly what you are asking for use to be a thing, for a very long time. Terrans still complained about everything.

But honestly this is a very minimal change. You only have to do it one time per gate and its really not that difficult of a thing to do. I never once lost a game because I forgot to do it. So by all means change it back. It changes basically nothing about the game.


im not sure how balanced you would have to make the game for us terrans to not point out things wrong with the game.

lets just say many protoss players would lose thousands of mmr.

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Was there a massive protoss MMR spike when they introduced the auto transform?

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You must be shamed for this words autocast wp or not change nothing and tcf find another reason to cry

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OP are you new? Blizzard wants protoss to be the easiest and least effort needed race in the game.

How dare protoss need to use apm as part of macro. Only zerg and terran should need to use apm for their macro! While protoss players gets to eat while playing the game.

I agree, it was a dumb qol change they gave to the race with the least macro checks.

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