Games wont start

Blizzard please, we’re just stuck in game without noone to helps us

im having the same problem

saaaaaaaaaaaame. i cant get anything to launch. periodically only shows me 2 or three available lobbies.

i gonna try to reinstal and you

NO, it doesnt work SC2 is death!!!


have see that ,fais chier putin

having the same problem here. i do a clean re-install on battlenet and SC2 and it dont solve this .

I also cannot start games - tried ranked, unranked, custom melee. PVP I cannot get past a “server request” issue. PVAI I start the lobby and get kicked out once timer goes to 3 seconds. Tried scan and repair and this did not resolve.

Blizzard ruined my holiday. Spent all day trying to play SC2 but wasted. And not even have a word from them to explain what happened.

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Yup, same here. May a few more heartbreaks and I’ll actually move on from this difficult relationship.

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i did a scan and repair from the options tab next to play button for SC2 then it worked and loaded me into games

same issue here…cant do ranked or unranked all of a sudden…did a scan and repair but didnt fix the issue

Games wont start for me since 3/13/2021 around 10pm…

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10am MST here. Was really hoping it would have been fixed by now…

Checking in also…

All of my co-op commanders are at lv 5, lobbies countdown to 3 then kick everyone, and campaign progress is gone.

10:13AM Pacific Time. Online matches are still crashing at 3 seconds for all and any arcade/lobby games. Anyone else successful yet?

Having the same issue… WTF

Same issue here! cant play any arcade game so far…

They just posted a fix a minute ago. It might work now after a client restart!

Hey all,

The engineers did some work on the back end and this should be resolved.

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