Games Dead. R.I.P Starcraft 2

Without Korean support this game will be swirling the porcelain drain soon enough. Even Starcraft Brood War still has Korean support after 25+ years. Maybe the balance team will get their heads out of their butts and change up the meta instead of .1 balance changes that do absolutely nothing. It was nice playing the game, see ya’ll in Stormgate.


What is wrong with you?? I think you need some kind of mental help. Everyday you constantly post stuff like this or other nonsense, yet here you are still playing the game you supposedly hate. Also looking at your profile you have 287 games just this season, so you are just a hypocrite. You talk about how you hate everything about this game, but here you are everyday posting on the forum & still playing LOL!!! It’s really pathetic.


RIP since 2011 and still alive .


can you please leave then? You’re one of the worst masters on ladder still lmao.


So… you think a balance patch will save starcraft at this point??


I make like…3 posts here a week, wth are you talking about? Also 287 games is absolutely nothing as the season started almost two months ago. Not to mention literally all my games have been troll cheeses that last less than 5 min, because who would play this game seriously facing 5.5k+ GMs smurfing in masters every game?

110% You could delete two units from this game, nerf two others to being unusable, and make it a more watchable affair and have a better game meta. Disruptors and Widow Mines do not belong in this game. Carriers/BCs should be nerfed to being almost unusable. Team matches would suddenly start to be fun again and every 1v1 won’t be some smurf abusing easy to use and incredibly cheap, MASSIVE DAMAGE splash units.


Brood War is the real king in Korea. SC2 never truly took off there. The tournaments weren’t profitable.

RTS are better when they’re not trying to be the king of e-sports anyway. Do like Age of Empires 2, have tournaments and a competitive scene but don’t make that the game’s entire identity.

To be honest, I never liked this e-sports focus of SC2 and that’s why I never got into the game. But I’ve decided to give it a chance now for the arcade games and such. Casual RTS ftw.

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HAHAHAHA!!! Your back again already? That was only 2 days ago that I thought you left for good as stated in the original post? Again I’m recommending you seriously need some mental help, have you looked into talking to a psychologist? I also see you had to post another two nonsense posts, one in this thread & another on someone else’s. Please just leave for good as you have stated you have numerous times but seem to keep coming back. Nothing you ever post is useful at all, you are just terrible at this game & can’t come to the realization. Many people are having fun in this game & its still the most popular RTS on the market. So either actually leave & stop playing & posting on the forum or please seek mental help & move on.

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This has nothing to do with balance. The game is 13 years old. Games that are still popular after all that time are an exception. SC2 did fine, but it is nearing the end of its natural life cycle. Let’s hope StormGate can take the mantle for RTS now.

And who cares about BW outside Korea in 2023? im saying it as someone who played the game in 1998 then war3, then I cant stand even seeing someone tell me about how we should care about BW in 2023. Many and better games also had their time.

No it has to do not just with SC2 alone but with the fact that Blizzard departed from their fans that made them great many years ago, all the series of failures in recent years (War3 Reforged, Diablo: Immortal and the cash grab that mobile games are, scandals decisions to stop support in favor of OW trying to compete with Fornite because cant get enough shooters and ofc abandoning SC2 since for Activision that isnt enough :money_with_wings: or MS where the ‘care’ they show is simply meme.

So my attention is only to Stormgate (not that I expect for sure to get a good game but could be the next game worth moving on and never look back to SC2).

As someone who has worked with Unity, war3 editor, other game builders… Ever used the war3 editor? I’ve never seen so poorly designed editor like SC2 - they wanted to make so advanced editor that it feels like a game engine.

But if people needed to make their own game, they are better off with UE and Unity not expect to make a game out in SC2 unless they wanted just that a custom map that others play, im saying if they wanted serious projects.

As a result of their editor looking like Engine-wanna be - they added gazillion fields that no one uses, compare how much time you need to make a Unit in War3 editor and in SC2.

In SC2 editor you cant even make upgrades used properly, takes forever to browse fields to add all the death models of units if you want your model to look proper, editor crashes with ‘Core memory’ and yes I love when you type ONE letter in Search field and it freezes to display you all results with 1 letter (aka many results = freeze). All the DATA that makes up a single unit is so scattered everywhere. you have Requirement tabs, Weapons that arent simply (Melee, Ranged Siege) but to make effect from nothing would take forever, many sub-data tabs that it is everywhere and not like in war3 all in 1 place per unit and less fields.

What were they thinking with the editor? Also some big flaws and things like manipulating Doodads or Collision toggle for units that the SIMPLER war3 editor had are missing on top of their gazillion unknown unused fields

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After reading that stuff, I understand why pro’s are making balance changes and not you. I understand, what would happen if those like you had even a smallest chance to change something in the game. And I understand, that you will not fix the game and meta for 99,9% players as you mentioned in other thread. So it’s good that only pro’s make balance changes.


It has nothing to do with fixing the game at this point. It is to make it more fun to watch so viewers come to tournaments and more fun to play so there are people who ladder…and become viewers of said tournaments. This could be done in so many different ways to save this game.

Look at the last balance patch, all it is was minuscule changes that did NOTHING to change the meta or fix how stale both ladder/pro games were. Thats what killed this game. Thats why GSL is no longer. There are no viewers bro. So many ways to fix it and ya’ll stare into a dumpster fire and think “Maybe if I spit on it, it’ll go out?”.

I personally have fun, when I see huge mine or disruptor shot. It is like a knockout in boxing.

The balance changes were not made to change the meta, they were made to make some things, which are hard to play against, such as carriers, easier to fight against. No one would change the meta right now, as it will then require many additional balance changes.

SC2 playerbase will decline, because the game does not have a new content, there are many other games coming out, and some people just have enough of sc2. So any game which is left without content will have only a very small community dedicated to that game one day. That is what is going on with sc2 right now. I don’t see anything what’s wrong with that.


it deserve to die, with units like swarm host, carriers, baneling, disrupter, liberator, warp prism, let’s hope stormgate will not be a cancer.

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12 Years past first decade nobody cry about carrier further go it all begin till the point where dead carrier still op

Blizzard pulling all of their money out of Starcraft esports is a balance issue? That’s interesting…

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Omg 12 posts since I last called you out for your mental instability & useless suggestions, & that was 2 days ago. What is wrong with you? No one agrees with you ,we all just want you gone, leave like you have said you have over & over. No one wants to hear you complain, but everyday here you are posting nonsense again & again. When are you actually going to leave??? Please come to the realization NO one wants you here or cares what you think about a game you supposedly hate. You are a hypocrite & just terrible at this game. Again have you looked into some kind of mental help yet? Cause you really need help at this point in your life.

Instead of worrying more about how balance on an abandoned game is a game designed around having to make 70 workers, from what I understood about SG I do not expect it to be the best thing ever made beating both war3 and sc2 together but it sounds like it would be worth moving to. I’d continue the line human-terran-whatevever human idk how many races they have even, they should be at least 4 imo that brings a lot more diversity than 3.


Balancing 4 or more factions requires a lot more overlap between them, such as having equivalent units for each faction with only minor stat differences apart from the few casters or “special” units which may have unique abilities.

That is all fine of course, if that is what you are looking for when you play that game.

Yes it is always better to have 4 races and I know then balance would be harder to make. For war3 it worked because it was more symmetrical. But if it is just 3 races may feel a lot like SC, fine either way. Except without the space cowboy Texans part which is also refreshing to drop.