Game stuck at progress bar!

It is broken fix it…

Similar to how you are still stuck in bronze league bar.

Another low skilled Terran boy body bagged



top 1 masters in eu 800 rank beatean 80 gm rank, ez. While you are some forum bronze poster, never getting out of gold league. HAHHAHA

your profile is hidden, how do we believe you?

I got perma bananed my profile, because i am toxic, because game is imabalanced and trash for terran, that is very stressful, especially on high rank… Like i would care what some random sh iter think, why would i lie ? I even posted i beatean 5400 mmr recently… If i play good i can beat even 6k in macro game. Obviously i lose a lot vs gm, but i can beat gm… OR could…

collecting free wins must put a toll on you.

LUL, the patient tried to respond to you and instead of using his actual account, replied with another account that opened 15 minutes ago.
The derailed specimen works with a build-order: Opens 3 accounts in each morning that are able to stay unbanned 2-3 hour max.
Rinse and repeat.
IP ban could do something, a better option is Computer HW ID ban.

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kid probably spends more time making accounts than posting


Habit just body bagged this kid

We got him boys!


he’s on his third account of the night. we got this. i haven’t actually reported him yet though, someone else is doing that. i’m laughing WAY too hard to report.


This is the first kill for Habit, St. Benevolence has bagged a dozen such low-grade whineterrans.
Ollumbubu went to Zerus in order to trade the cured-skins of the roadkills with Stretch, Ace and Velitey.
Observes have observed that Zergs use those skins as compost for Creep.

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i honestly don’t even know what is problem is, or why he hates me just because i replied to him.