FrostGiant studios announced new RTS

as long as they buff the cycloin Im good. protoss makes dirpter and deletes all my cloins from the map. TRASH UNIT. MAKE IT GREAT AGAIN.

how does one disripper beat 20 cloins??

When I started playing sc2 I did it when I was already kinda old, around 24yo and my previous rts experience was just some games around the year2000 as a very casual single player, clicking on every icon, no hotkeys used, no idea about macro or micro and after that some random lan games of empire earth multiplayer with my also extremely noobs friends, only one of them had some knowledge about rts.

So when I started playing sc2 I had the intention of playing it on a competitive way, the first thing I did, was presenting at the forums after one week of fooling around with the game, and asked for resources and got directed to TL, liquipedia, YT channels.After that, the rest was watching VODS, taking ideas, gitting gud and later following builds. The only barrier I felt was the one I mentioned earlier, that blocking rocks on the noob league, I felt like I was playing another game and that what I saw on the vods and streams, didnā€™t match to my experience. I had a very rough start, 32 games in a row lost, won one, then another 10-15 games lost, and I didnā€™t care because I was learning, every game had something to lear about, never felt like a poor dude getting trashed and having an awful gaming experience,first I saw it as simple as getting better to not die so fast, and later, being good enough to having close fights, and finally being good enough to destroy the enemies by raw skill.

So I think the entry level is more about mentality than anything, the best you can do is having some resources with info (in game or even link to YT videos, just around 30-45 min of basics is enough to initiate some newbie on the rts path, I saw once a 15 min Z mechanics video that was useful to me up until diamond) and then the rest is on the player.

Some players I just donā€™t know what mentality they have, apparently they want to improve without any effort and without looking at resources, just play the same and eventually being good, but that does not really work.

I donā€™t play NvN but I donā€™t see why RTS shouldnā€™t have a dedicated balance for NvN, Co-Op, Archon, and other types of games.

Itā€™s not about skill floor unless we talking about games that plays themself.

Mobile games are more popular because they can be played on the go when PC/Console games require a dedicated machine to run.

You can play a mobile game on the Bus, between classes, when waiting etc. That why games with low specs like donā€™t starve, Heartstone, word of tanks are moving toward Mobile games.

Iā€™m not saying you do. Iā€™m simply interested why people say RTS is hard.

Are they going to have AAA budget? If not, graphics are going to suck. Iā€™m not going to get an RTX 3090 for Torchlight-level cartoon graphics.

^ How are graphics the main determinant? When Blizzard didnt do their own art and hired (Malaysian) company to make War3 reforged graphics - OK heroes and units look good (like some WOW concept art) but problems with distinguishing units came. trees and terrain sucked still

The reason why SC2 has more cartoony units is to distinguish between them, same for war3. Otherwise im OK with realistic graphics if they can fit visibility

Oh I didnā€™t know this studio is also formed by former Blizz. Now I see why people keep saying Blizz is not what they used to be, im with the veterans here, if new Blizz will be turning back to what made them great and raised them such as War3 and SCā€¦ well one can try these new studios how they go