Friendly Fire and suggestions to eliminate it

Blizzard and Creators of Starcraft 2. Ive been around this game since 2011. Was to young to understand the Ladder so stuck to the AI side of things. Around 2021, i launched into the Ladder, and thanks to former Professional player turned professional caster, PiG, I learned my way around the game in far more detail. In 4v4 i managed to land into the masters 3 league placement, however, am struggling tremendously in 3v3 and 2v2 for two reasons. well maybe 3. In fairness, i would call myself, slightly above average all though have many areas i can improve on certainly. However, being that in nearly 60 or more percent of my games on the ladder in team mode, I am either 1) friendly killed, or (2) one or more teammates leave within the first 30 seconds. This needs to be fixed and to say this destroys the playing experience is beyond an understatement. A couple suggestions that i feel would be a great implementation that WarGamming has created, is 1st friendly fire generally gives you an embarrasing label like awarding the color pink to both friendly and enemy opponants that you are known for friendly fire. 2nd time, you get a warning, third time they start suspending the account. And i would further go to say, that a fourth or fifth time starts performing hardware bans. Otherwise they can just make new accounts.

There were people aged below 13 years old and they was top tournament players.

I don’t accept your excuse unless you was a 2 years old baby wrapped in a burrito in 2011 delivered by a mighty golden stork.

I See this as an absolute win.

Ofc this sucks the longer the Game goes but at First you will have a massive Advantage (or at least any decent Player with good enough macro will have a massive Advantage) since you can Go for gamebreaking Tech (you can Tech much faster because you got more income meaning going for dts mutas or any Kind of Timing or all in will Hit much faster and much Stronger because you only Need to pay for Tech and infrastructure once). Another Thing is the coordination will be much better at First but obviously the longer the Game goes the Harder it will be.

All in all leaving early is Like a Blessing compared to the Other Things: teamkilling, flaming, simply being Bad or being afk.

But yeah…for the Rest of the Points mentioned you are right. This is one of the Main reasons i dont Like to Play Teamgames. Even in League of Legends where those Things are punished much Harder it still sucks.

In sc2 its much much better at Higher Levels. There i rarely See those Trolls. You mentioned that you are Masters in 4v4. Its important to.note that there is a Masters League Bug in Teamgames so your mmr is the deciding Factor there. Is your mmr at around 3800 ?because thats actually the mmr for 4v4 Masters. Because If you are 4v4 Masters, you should actually manage to climb decently high in 2v2 or 3v3 too.

You’re referring to something like 4% of the players in tourneys as if it were an actual norm. lol