Frame stutter when switching units/control groups

If your window 10 version were build 20H1 or 20H2, roll back to build 1909.

I settled it.


Any update ? I have the exact same problem as others, i have fps drops when i switch between units etc and when i desactivate “response sounds” setting the lags stop. PLZ is there a fix ?

Are devs still looking into this issue?
The ‘Response sounds’ option still drop massive frames when active

With Windows 10 build 1909, stuttering issue disappeared. I experienced.

UP the bug is still here.

UP the bug is still here.

Windows 10 build 20H2, bug is still here

same problem here :frowning: any updates?

still no fix ? plz help !

I can confirm that I also have this problem, and disabling response sounds mitigates the frame stuttering, but is still not a solution, since it removes valuable gameplay information in the process.

Edit: I have created a pastebin of my DxDiag, available at ID mDH1upMZ

I took a look at Task Manager during a game I created vs the AI, and it seems that during the periods where the game stutters as a result of switching control groups, the GPU utilization decreases, sometimes as low as 60% from a normal utilization of 90%. This, together with the fact that disabling the response sounds nullifies the issue, may indicate a performance bottleneck in the software when the game tries to load/play the unit response sounds.

Let me know if this information is useful,

I am having this same issue. I recently uninstalled my Realtek sound drivers from “Add/Remove Programs” after restarting it seems to be using default Windows 10 sound drivers. This mitigated some of the stuttering but the issue still persists. Turning off “Reactive Sounds” does remove the stutter for me as well but you lose a lot of audio information and is far from ideal.


It seems that this bug is still here. Im getting fps drops/stuttering when switching units (different than each other).

If I am turning off the response sound, problem is gone. Has anyone found a different workaround for this?

Any solution for this? It seems that is a general bug with playing sounds and is noticeable mostly with unit response sound

Yes. If you have a Nvidia GPU you have to activate on the Nvidia Control Panel the latency option to ultra

Honestly, it just seems to be the game pausing to stream the sound asset. In theory, permanently caching the sounds would solve the issue (but use a lot more RAM)